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Title: Nonresonant central exclusive production of charged-hadron pairs in proton-proton collisions at √𝑠 = 13  TeV
Authors: Hayrapetyan, A
Tumasyan, A
Adam, W
Andrejkovic, JW
Bergauer, T
Chatterjee, S
Damanakis, K
Dragicevic, M
Hussain, PS
Jeitler, M
Krammer, N
Wertz, S
Alves, GA
Coelho, E
Hensel, C
Menezes De Oliveira, T
Moraes, A
Rebello Teles, P
Soeiro, M
Aldá Júnior, WL
Alves Gallo Pereira, M
Barroso Ferreira Filho, M
Brandao Malbouisson, H
Carvalho, W
Chinellato, J
Da Costa, EM
Da Silveira, GG
Coldham, K
Cole, JE
Khan, A
Kyberd, P
Reid, ID
Li, A
Liko, D
Mikulec, I
Schieck, J
Schöfbeck, R
Schwarz, D
Sonawane, M
Templ, S
Waltenberger, W
Wulz, CE
Darwish, MR
Janssen, T
Van Mechelen, P
Bols, ES
D’Hondt, J
Dansana, S
De Moor, A
Delcourt, M
El Faham, H
Lowette, S
Makarenko, I
Müller, D
Sahasransu, AR
Tavernier, S
Tytgat, M
Van Onsem, GP
Van Putte, S
Vannerom, D
Clerbaux, B
Das, AK
De Lentdecker, G
Favart, L
Gianneios, P
Hohov, D
Jaramillo, J
Khalilzadeh, A
Lee, K
Mahdavikhorrami, M
Malara, A
Paredes, S
Pétré, L
Postiau, N
Thomas, L
Vanden Bemden, M
Vander Velde, C
Vanlaer, P
De Coen, M
Dobur, D
Hong, Y
Knolle, J
Lambrecht, L
Mestdach, G
Mota Amarilo, K
Rendón, C
Samalan, A
Skovpen, K
Van Den Bossche, N
van der Linden, J
Wezenbeek, L
Benecke, A
Bethani, A
Bruno, G
Caputo, C
Delaere, C
Donertas, IS
Giammanco, A
Jaffel, K
Jain, S
Lemaitre, V
Lidrych, J
Mastrapasqua, P
Mondal, K
Tran, TT
Keywords: particle interactions;hadrons;hadron colliders;particles and fields
Issue Date: 11-Jun-2024
Publisher: American Physical Society
Citation: Hayrapetyan, A.,Tumasyan, A. et al. for the benefit of the CMS and TOTEM Collaborations (2024) 'Nonresonant central exclusive production of charged-hadron pairs in proton-proton collisions at √𝑠 = 13  TeV', Physical Review D, 109 (11), 112013, pp. 1 - 43. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevD.109.112013.
Abstract: The central exclusive production of charged-hadron pairs in 𝑝⁢𝑝 collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV is examined, based on data collected in a special high-𝛽* run of the LHC. The nonresonant continuum processes are studied with the invariant mass of the centrally produced two-pion system in the resonance-free region, 𝑚𝜋+⁢𝜋−<0.7 or 𝑚𝜋+⁢𝜋−>1.8  GeV. Differential cross sections as functions of the azimuthal angle between the surviving protons, squared exchanged four-momenta, and 𝑚𝜋+⁢𝜋− are measured in a wide region of scattered proton transverse momenta, between 0.2 and 0.8 GeV, and for pion rapidities |𝑦|<2. A rich structure of interactions related to double-pomeron exchange is observed. A parabolic minimum in the distribution of the two-proton azimuthal angle is observed for the first time. It can be interpreted as an effect of additional pomeron exchanges between the protons from the interference between the bare and the rescattered amplitudes. After model tuning, various physical quantities are determined that are related to the pomeron cross section, proton-pomeron and meson-pomeron form factors, pomeron trajectory and intercept, and coefficients of diffractive eigenstates of the proton.
Description: A preprint version of the article is available at arXiv:2401.14494v1 [hep-ex], . It has not been certified by peer review. Comments: Submitted to Physical Review D. All figures and tables can be found at (CMS Public Pages). Report numbers: CMS-SMP-21-004, TOTEM-2024-001, CERN-EP-2023-279.
ISSN: 2470-0010
Other Identifiers: ORCiD: A. Tumasyan
ORCiD: Joanne E. Cole
ORCiD: Akram Khan
ORCiD: Paul Kyberd
ORCiD: Ivan D. Reid
arXiv:2401.14494v1 [hep-ex]
Appears in Collections:Dept of Electronic and Electrical Engineering Research Papers

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