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Title: Political tie diversity and inclusion at work in Asia: a critical view and a roadmap
Authors: Özbilgin, MF
Erbil, C
Gündoğdu, N
Keywords: political tie;diversity;inclusion;workplace;inequality;Asia
Issue Date: 26-Jun-2024
Publisher: Springer Nature
Citation: Özbilgin, M.F., Erbil, C. and Gündoğdu, N. (2024) 'Political tie diversity and inclusion at work in Asia: a critical view and a roadmap', Asian Business and Management, 23 (3), pp. 374 - 392. doi: 10.1057/s41291-024-00277-2.
Abstract: Diversity and inclusion scholarship addresses inequality at work across categories of difference marked with historical disadvantages such as gender, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, and class or categories meaningful for the industrial, organisational or local settings. This scholarship has not considered political ties to be a diversity strand. However, political ties are a considerable source of uneven power relations, unearned privileges, and unjust discrimination in many contexts. Similarly, political ties could be sources of disadvantage, exclusion and discrimination for individuals with weak, absent or oppositional political affiliations. Our paper focuses on the Asian context, where political ties are often a legitimate human and institutional resource that can shape individual choices and chances at work. By defining political ties as a diversity and inclusion strand, we critique the legitimacy of political ties as a dominant and desirable resource and present political tie discrimination as a wicked social problem that entrenches uneven relations of power and authority in workplaces. Highlighting how political affiliation manifests across different national contexts in Asia, we explore the utility of adding political ties to the Asian vernacular to regulate workplace diversity and inclusion. Asia provides an interesting context in which the interplay between political affiliation and workplace relations is often culturally endorsed, remains unregulated and unscrutinised through ethical and anti-discrimination regulations. Thus, Asia provides an ideal setting to explore the emergence of political tie diversity and inclusion at work. We illustrate this through country-specific examples, illustrating the cross-national varieties of political tie diversity in the Asian business context. We also suggest a roadmap to manage political tie diversity and inclusion for this context.
Description: Data availability: As our study did not involve the use of data, we have not included a data availability statement.
ISSN: 1472-4782
Other Identifiers: ORCiD: Mustafa Özbilgin
Appears in Collections:Brunel Business School Research Papers

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