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Title: Replay of digitally-recorded holograms using a computational grid
Authors: Nebrensky, JJ
Hobson, PR
Keywords: Holography;Grid computing;Digital holography
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: Since the calculations are independent, each plane within an in-line digital hologram of a particle field can be reconstructed by a separate computer. We investigate strategies to reproduce a complete sample volume as quickly and efficiently as possible using Grid computing. We used part of the EGEE Grid to reconstruct multiple sets of planes in parallel across a wide-area network, and collated the replayed images on a single Storage Element such that a subsequent particle tracking and analysis code might then be run. Although most of the sample volume is generated up to 20 times faster on a Grid, there are some stragglers which cause the reconstruction rate to slow, and a significant proportion of jobs get lost completely, leaving blocks missing from the sample volume. In the light of these experimental findings we propose some strategies for making Grid computing useful in the field of digital hologram reconstruction and analysis.
Appears in Collections:Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Dept of Electronic and Electrical Engineering Research Papers

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