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Title: Dense, fast, radiation-tolerant Fluoro-Hafnate glass scintillators for electromagnetic calorimeters in high energy physics
Authors: Hobson, PR
Imrie, DC
Price, T
Bell, KW
Brown, RM
Cockerill, DJA
Flower, PS
Grayer, GH
Lintern, AL
Sproston, M
McKinlay, KJ
Parker, JM
Keywords: Fluoride glass;Scintillator;Hafnium;Cerium;Calorimeter;Heavy Metal Glass;Radiation Damage
Issue Date: 1996
Publisher: Delft University Press
Citation: Proceeding of International Conference on Inorganic Scintillators and Their Applications (SCINT95). 1996
Abstract: Over 200 different compositions of heavy metal fluoride glasses have been produced and evaluated as possible candidates for the active medium in homogeneous electromagnetic calorimeters for high energy particles. Promising glasses, based on mixtures containing hafnium fluoride, have densities of 6 g/cm^3, radiation lengths of 1.6 cm, and good optical transmission from the UV to the IR. Glasses containing the Ce3+ ion are fast scintillators, with properties similar to those of pure cerium fluoride crystal. We have made glasses which have up to 14% of the light yield of CeF3, fast scintillation characterised by typical exponential decay constants of 10 ns and 25 ns, and a temperature dependence of light yield of -0.4%/C over the range -10C to 60C. We have carried out a detailed investigation of the effects of gamma irradiation (up to doses of 6kGy) on the optical transmission, and systematic studies into the role of indium and other elements on radiation tolerance and light yield. Some glasses have shown complete optical annealing of radiation-induced absorbance when exposed to UV light.
ISBN: 90-407-1215-8
Appears in Collections:Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Dept of Electronic and Electrical Engineering Research Papers

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