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dc.contributor.advisorKarapidakis, E-
dc.contributor.advisorHadjinicolaou, M-
dc.contributor.authorKatsioulis, Vasileios-
dc.descriptionThis thesis was submitted for the degree of Master of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University.en_US
dc.description.abstractThis work deals with the possibility of using the promising technology of wireless sensor networks (WSN) in the field of photovoltaic (PV) plant supervising and monitoring. The knowledge of the status and good working condition of each PV module separately as well as of any component of the PV system will guide in a more efficient way of power management. This work will concentrate on monitoring and controlling as well as healthy operation control of PV panels separately. Data logging will be also available and can be used for reference or statistical purposes. The nature of wireless sensor networks (WSN) offers several advantages on monitoring and controlling applications over other traditional technologies including self-healing, self-organization, and flexibility. The versatility, ease of use, and reliability of a mesh network topology offered by the ZigBee technology that is based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard, are used in this work to offer the maximum of its capabilities on the system being presented. A set of sensors attached on each PV panel are connected to a wireless ZigBee module. Each PV panel has its own ZigBee device located at its back side. All ZigBee devices forms a network with all the necessary devices of the ZigBee protocol included, such as end devises (RFD), a router (FFD), and a coordinator (COO). An extra ZigBee device might optionally be used to serve the whole system as an Ethernet gateway for making the system able to be connected to the internet. The factors that are being monitored are the panel‟s temperature, the output voltage, and output current. At the router device that operates as a parent for all the end devices, extra monitored factors are the air dust concentration, current irradiance and also the angle of the PV array (in the case of tracking system use).Two controlling outputs (relays) are located at the router device offering the capability of controlling the motors or the actuators of a tracking system.en_US
dc.publisherBrunel University School of Engineering and Design PhD Theses-
dc.subjectWireless sensor networksen_US
dc.subjectPV monitoringen_US
dc.subjectPhotovoltaic panelsen_US
dc.subjectData acquisitionen_US
dc.titleDesign of a wireless monitoring system based on the ZigBee protocol for photovoltaic systemsen_US
Appears in Collections:Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Dept of Electronic and Electrical Engineering Theses

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