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Title: Alignment of the CMS silicon strip tracker during stand-alone commissioning
Authors: Adam, W
Bergauer, T
Dragicevic, M
Friedl, M
Fruhwirth, R
Hansel, S
Hrubec, J
Krammer, M
Oberegger, M
Pernicka, M
Schmid, S
Simms, L
Harris, P
Wingham, M
Zorba, O
Tavernier, S
Tessaro, M
Berretta, L
Giudice, N
Bonnevaux, A
Rebassoo, F
Bainbridge, R
Heyninck, J
Goitom, I
Hobson, PR
Reid, ID
Teodorescu, L
Hanson, G
Foa, L
Bisello, D
Potenza, R
Strub, R
Rubinstein, N
Bloch, C
Jeng, GY
Liu, H
Dierlamm, A
Boudoul, G
Ostapchuk, A
Pasztor, G
Bianucci, S
Satpathy, A
Drouhin, F
Kottelat, LJ
Guardone, N
Mammini, P
Stringer, R
Nahn, S
Van Lancker, L
Staszak, D
Dirkes, G
Mangano, B
Chabanat, E
Yang, Z
Kuronen, A
Affolder, K
Martin, C
Bagliesi, G
Affolder, T
Allen, A
Barge, D
Burke, S
Boccali, T
Weber, M
Rommerskirchen, T
Leonardo, N
Pandoulas, D
Callahan, D
Regenfus, C
Spagnolo, P
Mariani, F
Schael, S
Ernenwein, JP
Campagnari, C
Benotto, F
Crook, A
Blum, P
Stoner, J
Siegrist, P
Breuker, H
Stuart, D
Tenchini, R
Rudolph, M
Didierjean, F
Elgammal, S
Anghel, IM
Wickens, J
Manna, N
Swain, S
Vlimant, JR
White, D
Ulmer, KA
Wagner, SR
Tolaini, S
Fahrer, M
Bonnet, JL
Kraan, A
Saizu, MA
Esser, H
Tropea, P
Giammanco, A
Chabert, EC
Bagby, L
Bhat, PC
Schwering, G
Venturi, A
Dumitrache, F
Ceccanti, M
Frey, M
Tran, NV
Pierschel, G
Burkett, K
Cihangir, S
Gutsche, O
Jensen, H
Johnson, M
Ronga, F
Verdini, PG
Cucoanes, AS
Albergo, S
Wilke, L
Luzhetskiy, N
Mason, D
De Mattia, M
Furgeri, A
Sparti, V
Miao, T
Farano, R
Bruno, G
Preda, M
Cecchi, R
Edera, LM
Moccia, S
Chierici, R
Uhl, D
Sung, K
Giubilato, P
Noeding, C
Hartmann, F
Troska, J
Ronzhin, A
Michal, S
Demaria, N
Skup, E
Spalding, WJ
Spiegel, L
Tkaczyk, S
Borgia, MA
Manolescu, F
Nguyen, H
Sutera, C
Yumiceva, F
Villella, I
Ljuslin, C
Devroede, O
Brianzi, M
Sala, G
Zatserklyaniy, A
Tsirou, A
Zerev, E
Betchart, B
Garberson, J
Church, I
Demina, R
Mannelli, M
Contardo, D
Creanza, D
Van Hove, P
Engstrom, P
Karpinski, W
Gotra, Y
Korjenevski, S
Miner, D
Orbaker, D
Christofek, L
Masetti, L
Loreti, M
Wittmer, B
Buchmuller, O
Dell'Orso, R
Hale, D
Flugge, G
Heier, S
Hooper, R
Landsberg, G
Civinini, C
Marchioro, A
Donckt, MV
Romero, A
Mattiazzo, S
Tricomi, A
Gregoire, G
Nguyen, D
Narain, M
Speer, T
Tsang, KV
D'Alfonso, M
Mersi, S
Ahmed, I
Bosi, F
Keutgen, T
Kcira, D
Vos, M
Charaf, O
Dobur, D
Lemaitre, V
Vasey, F
Wlochal, M
Giorgi, MA
Abbaneo, D
Michotte, D
Hoffmann, KH
Fontaine, JC
Della Negra, R
Zaccarelli, L
Militaru, O
Nigro, M
Incandela, H
Piotrzkowski, K
De Boer, W
Quertermont, L
Roberfroid, V
Rouby, X
Teyssier, D
Alagoz, E
Lomtadze, T
Robinson, R
Dutta, S
Daubie, E
Thomas, M
Kukulies, C
Kartashov, D
Lariccia, P
Anttila, E
Incandela, J
Czellar, S
Dupasquier, T
Bazterra, VE
Ribnik, J
Gelin, G
Kaminski, J
Dewulf, JP
Chiorboli, M
Butz, E
De Wolf, EA
Giraud, N
Guillot, G
Estre, N
Haroutunian, R
Lumb, N
Avanzini, C
Meschini, M
Coughlan, JA
Adler, V
Gerber, CE
Ciulli, V
Paccagnella, A
Perries, S
Schirra, F
Hammad, GH
Jaditz, S
Robmann, P
Basti, A
Giassi, A
Gillissen, C
Trocme, B
Vanzetto, S
Agram, JL
Blaes, R
De Callatay, B
Schmidt, A
Castello, R
Hermanns, T
Waltenberger, W
Michal, S
Maazouzi, C
Akhtar, I
Heydhausen, D
Kalavase, P
Paoletti, S
Rochet, J
Jahn, D
Pantano, D
Silvestris, L
Ledermann, B
Mirabito, L
Kaussen, G
Benucci, L
Khalatian, S
Linn, A
Perchalla, L
Poettgens, M
Pooth, O
Stahl, A
Kreyer, S
Cattai, A
Tuominiemi, J
Albert, E
Zoeller, MH
Delmeire, E
Butt, S
Gennai, S
Buhmann, P
Shabalina, E
Widl, E
Cardaci, M
Harkonen, J
Everaerts, P
Liamsuwan, T
Pozzobon, N
Bracci, F
Bacchetta, N
Hosselet, J
Muller, S
Muller, T
Schilling, FP
Simonis, HJ
Steck, P
D'Hondt, J
Lungu, GA
Klein, K
Karimaki, V
Martinelli, G
Velde, CV
Zhukov, V
Cariola, P
Anagnostou, G
Baringer, P
Mc Guinness, C
Muffat-Joly, J
Focardi, RDE
De Robertis, G
Ferorelli, R
Beaumont, W
Fiore, L
Beissel, F
Nikolic, M
Amsler, C
Frosali, S
Berst, JD
My, S
Maes, J
Genta, C
Bean, A
Magazzu, G
Mills, C
Landi, G
Bocci, A
Mantovani, G
Tosi, M
Hashemi, M
Onnela, A
Kostesmaa, J
Lenzi, P
Macchiolo, A
Magini, N
Parrini, G
Scarlini, E
Chen, J
Gay, APR
Steiner, S
Cerati, GB
Stark, R
Cole, JE
Sigaud, C
Azzi, P
Kuronen, A
Brom, JM
Goerlach, U
Flucke, G
Bilei, GM
Cazzola, U
Costa, M
Serban, AT
de Langhe, E
Checcucci, B
Fano, L
Servoli, L
Ambroglini, F
Clerbaux, B
Delaere, C
Noto, F
Hamdorf, R
Engstrom, P
Feld, L
Babucci, E
Benedetti, D
Costa, S
Lampen, T
Florins, B
Moggi, A
Biasini, M
Caponeri, B
Graehling, P
Covarelli, R
Sguazzoni, G
Gritsan, AV
Kyre, S
Palla, F
Tempesta, P
Raupach, F
Palmonari, F
Linden, T
Delattre, M
Moulik, T
De Lentdecker, G
Paillard, C
Ligabue, F
Fiori, F
Juillot, P
Hauk, J
Petragnani, G
Profeti, A
Raffaelli, F
Rizzi, D
Sanguinetti, G
Luukka, PR
Sanhueza, S
Lowette, S
Sarkar, S
Richman, J
Van Mulders, P
Sentenac, D
Klanner, R
Zito, G
De Filippis, N
Candelori, A
Linari, S
Pal, I
Chiochia, V
Gross, L
Massa, M
Messineo, A
Segneri, G
Tonelli, G
Olivetto, C
Taghavi, S
Cerri, C
Dorigo, T
Cripps, N
Azzurri, P
Bernardini, J
Castaldi, R
Pein, U
Bock, E
Eppard, M
Vanlaer, P
Borrello, L
De Palma, M
Calzolari, F
Ageron, M
Hinchey, C
Gateau, M
Marcantonini, M
Tuve, C
Gill, K
Schleper, P
Tomalin, I
Tuominen, E
Brauer, R
Syed, A
Pernot, JF
Maggi, G
Bouhali, O
Giolo-Nicollerat, AS
Grabit, R
Honma, A
Huhtinen, M
Kloukinas, K
Steinbruck, G
Lae, CK
Kortesmaa, J
Hahn, KA
Sprenger, D
De Weirdt, S
Kaminskiy, A
Postolache, V
Santocchia, A
Slav, A
Petagna, P
Lamb, J
Giordano, D
Petit, P
Piccut, C
Pioppi, M
Postema, H
Selvaggi, G
Wastiels, C
Abbas, M
Soldani, A
Goorens, R
Ranieri, R
Migliore, E
Karaevski, S
Broccolo, B
Mozer, M
Steininger, H
Ricci, D
Spiga, D
Rolandi, G
Maenaa, T
Fulcher, J
Petrucciani, G
Giusti, S
Hall, G
Khomenkov, V
Shah, Y
Van Mechelen, P
Galanti, M
Dietch, J
Balestri, G
Lounis, A
Noy, M
Pesaresi, M
Radicci, V
Raymond, DM
Sharp, P
Reznikov, S
Baulieu, G
Stoye, M
Maletta, F
Olzem, J
Marage, P
Rizzi, A
Keywords: Particle tracking detectors (Solid-state detectors);Particle tracking detectors;Pattern recognition, cluster finding, calibration and fitting methods;Analysis and statistical methods
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: Institute of Physics
Citation: Journal of Instrumentation 4: T07001, Jul 2009
Abstract: The results of the CMS tracker alignment analysis are presented using the data from cosmic tracks, optical survey information, and the laser alignment system at the Tracker Integration Facility at CERN. During several months of operation in the spring and summer of 2007, about five million cosmic track events were collected with a partially active CMS Tracker. This allowed us to perform first alignment of the active silicon modules with the cosmic tracks using three different statistical approaches; validate the survey and laser alignment system performance; and test the stability of Tracker structures under various stresses and temperatures ranging from +15C to -15C. Comparison with simulation shows that the achieved alignment precision in the barrel part of the tracker leads to residual distributions similar to those obtained with a random misalignment of 50 (80) microns in the outer (inner) part of the barrel.
Description: This is the Pre-print version of the Article. The official published version of the paper can be accessed from the link below - Copyright @ 2009 IOP
ISSN: 1748-0221
Appears in Collections:Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Dept of Electronic and Electrical Engineering Research Papers

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