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Title: Stand-alone cosmic muon reconstruction before installation of the CMS silicon strip tracker
Authors: Adam, W
Bergauer, T
Dragicevic, M
Friedl, M
Fruhwirth, R
Hansel, S
Hrubec, J
Krammer, M
Oberegger, M
Pernicka, M
Schmid, S
Giammanco, A
Boudoul, G
Saizu, MA
Siegrist, P
Wagner, SR
Spagnolo, P
Bagby, L
Schwering, G
Dirkes, G
Lae, CK
Shah, Y
Pierschel, G
Demaria, N
Castaldi, R
Bhat, PC
Burkett, K
Cihangir, S
Rolandi, G
Tenchini, R
Cerri, C
Gutsche, O
Hahn, KA
Steiner, S
Jensen, H
Albergo, S
Tessaro, M
Fahrer, M
Johnson, M
Luzhetskiy, N
Sparti, V
Mason, D
Preda, M
Olzem, J
Dumitrache, F
Delattre, M
Bruno, G
Chabanat, E
Ceccanti, M
Rudolph, M
Didierjean, F
Miao, T
Frey, M
Uhl, D
Petrucciani, G
Moccia, S
Luukka, PR
Benotto, F
Tropea, P
Noeding, C
Ronzhin, A
Skup, E
Spalding, WJ
Manolescu, F
Mills, C
Stoye, M
Spiegel, L
Farano, R
Villella, I
Manna, N
Devroede, O
Brianzi, M
Sutera, C
Tkaczyk, S
Sala, G
Yumiceva, F
Karaevski, S
Troska, J
Zatserklyaniy, A
Wilke, L
Sung, K
Esser, H
Chabert, EC
Tolaini, S
Dietch, J
Anttila, E
Betchart, B
Wingham, M
Van Hove, P
Karpinski, W
Demina, R
Gotra, Y
Korjenevski, S
Leonardo, N
Bisello, D
Miner, D
Butt, S
Orbaker, D
Tavernier, S
Wittmer, B
Flugge, G
Furgeri, A
Cucoanes, AS
Garberson, J
Christofek, L
Ljuslin, C
Hooper, R
Civinini, C
De Mattia, M
Ageron, M
Tricomi, A
Tsirou, A
Migliore, E
Gregoire, G
Landsberg, G
Nguyen, D
Crook, A
Mannelli, M
Abbas, M
Narain, M
Lowette, S
Speer, T
Boccali, T
Venturi, A
Giubilato, P
Tsang, KV
CMS Collaboration
Dell'Orso, R
Keutgen, T
Covarelli, R
Vander Donckt, M
Tomalin, I
Wlochal, M
Hartmann, F
Romero, A
Chierici, R
Creanza, D
Kcira, D
Loreti, M
Fontaine, JC
Lemaitre, V
Steinbruck, G
Heyninck, J
Hale, D
Michotte, D
Militaru, O
Piotrzkowski, K
Quertermont, L
Kraan, A
Moulik, T
Roberfroid, V
Vasey, F
Thomas, M
Balestri, G
Kukulies, C
Giusti, S
Dobur, D
Rouby, X
Giorgi, MA
Teyssier, D
Incandela, H
Daubie, E
Rebassoo, F
Contardo, D
Giudice, N
Heier, S
Masetti, L
Anghel, IM
Buhmann, P
Della Negra, R
Chiorboli, M
De Wolf, EA
Dupasquier, T
Gelin, G
Giraud, N
Zorba, O
Verdini, PG
Guillot, G
Cole, JE
Estre, N
Meschini, M
Ciulli, V
Charaf, O
Adler, V
Bazterra, VE
Haroutunian, R
Goitom, I
Lumb, N
Hammad, GH
Vos, M
Dutta, S
Incandela, J
Regenfus, C
Gillissen, C
Perries, S
Schirra, F
De Callatay, B
Hobson, PR
Rommerskirchen, T
Trocme, B
Vanzetto, S
Borgia, MA
Marchioro, A
Zaccarelli, L
Agram, JL
Blaes, R
Ahmed, I
Hermanns, T
Calzolari, F
Jaditz, S
Paoletti, S
Mattiazzo, S
Robmann, P
Hoffmann, KH
Dewulf, JP
Waltenberger, W
Avanzini, C
Silvestris, L
Heydhausen, D
Khomenkov, V
Gerber, CE
Jahn, D
Kaussen, G
Linn, A
Perchalla, L
Buchmuller, O
Michal, S
Poettgens, M
Kalavase, P
Delmeire, E
Potenza, R
Breuker, H
Akhtar, I
Pooth, O
Foa, L
Stahl, A
Khalatian, S
Zoeller, MH
Tran, NV
Kaminski, J
Nigro, M
Reid, ID
Czellar, S
Cerati, GB
Ledermann, B
Bosi, F
Hosselet, J
Cardaci, M
Liamsuwan, T
Muller, S
Mersi, S
Muller, T
Richman, J
Schilling, FP
Lomtadze, T
Mariani, F
Maazouzi, C
Klein, K
Engstrom, P
Simonis, HJ
Steck, P
Anagnostou, G
Michal, S
Albert, E
Shabalina, E
Lamb, J
D'Alessandro, R
Zhukov, V
Cariola, P
Beissel, F
Nguyen, H
De Robertis, G
Ferorelli, R
Alagoz, E
Teodorescu, L
D'Hondt, J
Beaumont, W
Fiore, L
Maes, J
Focardi, E
Baringer, P
Lungu, GA
Basti, A
Mc Guinness, C
Paccagnella, A
Strub, R
Berst, JD
Mirabito, L
Lariccia, P
Frosali, S
Harkonen, J
Genta, C
Hashemi, M
Landi, G
Lenzi, P
Coughlan, JA
De Boer, W
Macchiolo, A
Bean, A
Stark, R
Church, I
Schmidt, A
Magini, N
Ronga, F
Parrini, G
Karimaki, V
Scarlini, E
Baulieu, G
Pantano, D
Vander Velde, C
Widl, E
Sarkar, S
Pozzobon, N
Castello, R
de Langhe, E
Goerlach, U
Tosi, M
Bilei, GM
Hanson, G
Checcucci, B
Fano, L
Cattai, A
Edera, LM
My, S
Noto, F
Butz, E
Servoli, L
Clerbaux, B
Costa, S
Jeng, GY
Kostesmaa, J
Florins, B
Martinelli, G
Ambroglini, F
Babucci, E
Sguazzoni, G
Robinson, R
Benedetti, D
Biasini, M
Kreyer, S
Ostapchuk, A
Graehling, P
Caponeri, B
Raupach, F
Moggi, A
Kuronen, A
Delaere, C
Muffat-Joly, J
Martin, C
Benucci, L
Tempesta, P
Liu, H
Gennai, S
Palla, F
Flucke, G
De Lentdecker, G
Juillot, P
Palmonari, F
Petragnani, G
Rubinstein, N
Profeti, A
Lampen, T
Drouhin, F
Ribnik, J
Nikolic, M
Raffaelli, F
Van Mulders, P
Rizzi, D
Hamdorf, R
Sanguinetti, G
Bocci, A
Feld, L
Brom, JM
De Weirdt, S
Cazzola, U
Amsler, C
Gross, L
De Filippis, N
Fiori, F
Linari, S
Massa, M
Messineo, A
Gay, APR
Bainbridge, R
Berretta, L
Cecchi, R
Azzi, P
Segneri, G
Olivetto, C
Bracci, F
Hauk, J
Bock, E
Engstrom, P
Tonelli, G
Azzurri, P
Magazzu, G
Tuominen, E
Vanlaer, P
Bernardini, J
Chen, J
De Palma, M
Borrello, L
Tuve, C
Eppard, M
Klanner, R
Taghavi, S
Pasztor, G
Maenpaa, T
Onnela, A
Mantovani, G
Sigaud, C
Gateau, M
Bacchetta, N
Brauer, R
Maggi, G
Gill, K
Giolo-Nicollerat, AS
Harris, P
Grabit, R
Pein, U
Everaerts, P
Gritsan, AV
Honma, A
Sprenger, D
Huhtinen, M
Candelori, A
Kloukinas, K
Paillard, C
Guardone, N
Zito, G
Pal, I
Kyre, S
Giordano, D
Postolache, V
Pernot, JF
Petagna, P
Petit, P
Piccut, C
Wastiels, C
Simms, L
Abbaneo, D
Sentenac, D
Pioppi, M
Selvaggi, G
Costa, M
Bouhali, O
Broccolo, B
Mozer, M
Goorens, R
Postema, H
Van Mechelen, P
Steininger, H
Ranieri, R
Linden, T
Santocchia, A
Ricci, D
Giassi, A
Cripps, N
Dorigo, T
Sanhueza, S
Blum, P
Satpathy, A
Ligabue, F
D'Alfonso, M
Fulcher, J
Serban, AT
Galanti, M
Bagliesi, G
Hall, G
Noy, M
Pesaresi, M
Kaminskiy, A
Bonnevaux, A
Tuominiemi, J
Radicci, V
Maletta, F
Raymond, DM
Slav, A
Sharp, P
Van Lancker, L
Marcantonini, M
Stringer, R
Hinchey, C
Spiga, D
Rizzi, A
Mangano, B
Affolder, K
Affolder, T
Allen, A
Weber, M
Rochet, J
Kortesmaa, J
Barge, D
Bianucci, S
Chiochia, V
Lounis, A
Mammini, P
Schael, S
Pandoulas, D
Burke, S
Ernenwein, JP
Callahan, D
Schleper, P
Yang, Z
Campagnari, C
Bloch, C
Staszak, D
Marage, P
Nahn, S
Reznikov, S
Syed, A
Zerev, E
Stoner, J
Kottelat, LJ
Elgammal, S
Wickens, J
Stuart, D
Swain, S
Vlimant, JR
Soldani, A
Dierlamm, A
White, D
Kartashov, D
Ulmer, KA
Kuronen, A
Bonnet, JL
Keywords: Pattern recognition, cluster finding, calibration and fitting methods;Particle tracking detectors (Solid-state detectors);Large detector systems for particle and astroparticle physics
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: Institute of Physics
Citation: Journal of Instrumentation 4: P05004, May 2009
Abstract: The subsystems of the CMS silicon strip tracker were integrated and commissioned at the Tracker Integration Facility (TIF) in the period from November 2006 to July 2007. As part of the commissioning, large samples of cosmic ray data were recorded under various running conditions in the absence of a magnetic field. Cosmic rays detected by scintillation counters were used to trigger the readout of up to 15 % of the final silicon strip detector, and over 4.7 million events were recorded. This document describes the cosmic track reconstruction and presents results on the performance of track and hit reconstruction as from dedicated analyses.
Description: This is the Pre-print version of the Article. The official published version can be accessed from the link below - Copyright @ 2009 IOP
ISSN: 1748-0221
Appears in Collections:Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Dept of Electronic and Electrical Engineering Research Papers

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