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Title: Detecting anomalies in multivariate time series from automotive systems
Authors: Theissler, Andreas
Advisors: Dear, I
Stonham, J
Keywords: Machine learning;Data mining;Vehicle electronics;Self-learning systems;Anomaly detection
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Brunel University School of Engineering and Design PhD Theses
Abstract: In the automotive industry test drives are conducted during the development of new vehicle models or as a part of quality assurance for series vehicles. During the test drives, data is recorded for the use of fault analysis resulting in millions of data points. Since multiple vehicles are tested in parallel, the amount of data that is to be analysed is tremendous. Hence, manually analysing each recording is not feasible. Furthermore the complexity of vehicles is ever-increasing leading to an increase of the data volume and complexity of the recordings. Only by effective means of analysing the recordings, one can make sure that the effort put in the conducting of test drives pays off. Consequently, effective means of test drive analysis can become a competitive advantage. This Thesis researches ways to detect unknown or unmodelled faults in recordings from test drives with the following two aims: (1) in a data base of recordings, the expert shall be pointed to potential errors by reporting anomalies, and (2) the time required for the manual analysis of one recording shall be shortened. The idea to achieve the first aim is to learn the normal behaviour from a training set of recordings and then to autonomously detect anomalies. The one-class classifier “support vector data description” (SVDD) is identified to be most suitable, though it suffers from the need to specify parameters beforehand. One main contribution of this Thesis is a new autonomous parameter tuning approach, making SVDD applicable to the problem at hand. Another vital contribution is a novel approach enhancing SVDD to work with multivariate time series. The outcome is the classifier “SVDDsubseq” that is directly applicable to test drive data, without the need for expert knowledge to configure or tune the classifier. The second aim is achieved by adapting visual data mining techniques to make the manual analysis of test drives more efficient. The methods of “parallel coordinates” and “scatter plot matrices” are enhanced by sophisticated filter and query operations, combined with a query tool that allows to graphically formulate search patterns. As a combination of the autonomous classifier “SVDDsubseq” and user-driven visual data mining techniques, a novel, data-driven, semi-autonomous approach to detect unmodelled faults in recordings from test drives is proposed and successfully validated on recordings from test drives. The methodologies in this Thesis can be used as a guideline when setting up an anomaly detection system for own vehicle data.
Description: This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University.
Appears in Collections:Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Dept of Electronic and Electrical Engineering Theses

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