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Results 1-10 of 128 (Search time: 0.017 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2002Applying concepts of fuzzy cognitive mapping to model IT/IS investment evaluation factorsIrani, Z; Sharif, AM; Love, PED; Kahraman, C
2001Outsourcing information systems: Drawing lessons from a banking case studyBaldwin, LP; Irani, Z; Love, PED
2004A rework reduction model for construction projectsLove, PED; Irani, Z; Edwards, DJ
2016Making sense of rework causation in offshore hydrocarbon projectsLove, PED; Ackermann, F; Smith, J; Irani, Z; Edward, DJ
2013The elicitation of key performance indicators of e-government providers: A bottom-up approachOsman, IH; Anouze, AL; Azad, B; Daouk, L; Zablith, F; Hindi, NM; Irani, Z; Lee, H; Weerakkody, V
2012Evaluating e-Government services from a citizens' prespective: A reference process modelTsohou, A; Lee, H; Irani, Z; Weerakkody, V; Osman, I; Latif, AA; Medeni, T
2009Evaluation of strategic information systems planning (SISP) techniques: Driver perspectiveBasahel, A; Irani, Z
2014Application of Web 2.0 technologies in e-government: A United Kingdom case studySivarajah, U; Irani, Z; Jones, S
2016Opportunities and Challenges of using Web 2.0 Technologies in Government: A Conceptual ReviewSivarajah, U; Weerakkody, V; Irani, Z
2009Understanding the adopters and non-adopters of BroadbandDwivedi, YK; Irani, Z