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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Natural AD-like neuropathology in Octodon degus: Impaired burrowing and neuroinflammationDeacon, RMJ; Altimiras, FJ; Bazán-León, EA; Pyarasani, RD; Nachtigall, FM; Santos, LS; Tsolaki, AG; Pednekar, L; Kishore, U; Biekofsky, RR; Vásquez, RA; Cogram, P
2015Orexin receptors exert a neuroprotective effect in Alzheimer's disease (AD) via heterodimerization with GPR103Davies, J; Chen, J; Pink, R; Carter, D; Saunders, N; Sotiriadis, G; Bai, B; Pan, Y; Howlett, D; Payne, A; Randeva, H; Karteris, E
2018Protocol for the IDEAL-2 longitudinal study: Following the experiences of people with dementia and their primary carers to understand what contributes to living well with dementia and enhances active lifeSilarova, B; Nelis, SM; Ashworth, RM; Ballard, C; Bieńkiewicz, M; Henderson, C; Hillman, A; Hindle, JV; Hughes, JC; Lamont, RA; Litherland, R; Jones, IR; Jones, RW; Knapp, M; Kotting, P; Martyr, A; Matthews, FE; Morris, RG; Quinn, C; Regan, J; Rusted, JM; Van Den Heuvel, EA; Victor, CR; Wu, YT; Clare, L
24-Nov-2020Living Alone with Mild-To-Moderate Dementia: Findings from the IDEAL CohortClare, L; Martyr, A; Henderson, C; Gamble, L; Matthews, FE; Quinn, C; Nelis, SM; Rusted, J; Thom, J; Knapp, M; Hart, N; Victor, C
22-Oct-2020The Impact of COVID-19 Infection and Enforced Prolonged Social Isolation on Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in Older Adults With and Without Dementia: A ReviewManca, R; De Marco, M; Venneri, A
12-Jul-2021A graph theory approach to clarifying aging and disease related changes in cognitive networksWright, LM; De Marco, M; Venneri, A
3-Aug-2021Serial Recall Order and Semantic Features of Category Fluency Words to Study Semantic Memory in Normal AgeingDe Marco, M; Blackburn, D; Venneri, A
7-Oct-2021White-Matter Hyperintensity Load and Differences in Resting-State Network Connectivity Based on Mild Cognitive Impairment SubtypeVenneri, A; Vettore, M; De Marco, M; Pallucca, C; Bendini, M; Gallucci, M
20-Dec-2021Complement System in Alzheimer's DiseaseShah, A; Kishore, U; Shastri, A
28-Feb-2022Effects of social restrictions on people with dementia and carers during the pre-vaccine phase of the COVID-19 pandemic: experiences of IDEAL cohort participantsPentecost, C; Collins, R; Stapley, S; Victor, C; Quinn, C; Hillman, A; Litherland, R; Allan, L; Clare, L