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Results 1-10 of 3746 (Search time: 0.025 seconds).
Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Jan-2020Virtual workshops on the road: Co-designing with drivers, within context in real-timede la Flor Aceituno, D; Giacomin, J; Malizia, A; Skrypchuk, L
2020CPL library – a minimal framework for coupled particle and continuum simulationSmith, E; Trevelyan, D; Ramos-Fernandez, E; Sufian, A; O'Sullivan, C; Dini, D
2020Effect of piston shape design on the scavenging performance and mixture preparation in a 2-stroke boosted uniflow scavenged direct injection gasoline (BUSDIG) engineWang, X; Zhao, H
22-Jan-2020Multiphase flow metering for the oil and gas industry using a visualisation techniqueKarayiannis, T; Bukhari, SFA; Coletti, F; Koenig, C
2020Steady state charge conduction through solution processed liquid crystalline lanthanide bisphthalocyanine filmsPal, C; Chambrier, I; Cammidge, AN; Ray, AK; Sharma, AK
2020Design for Sustainability: A Multi-level Framework from Products to Socio-technical SystemsCeschin, F; Gaziulusoy, İ
2020Applications of machine learning to machine fault diagnosis: A review and roadmapLei, Y; Yang, B; Jiang, X; Jia, F; Li, N; Nandi, AK
2020Removal of methylene blue from aqueous solutions by biochar prepared from the pyrolysis of mixed municipal discarded materialHoslett, J; Ghazal, H; Mohamad, N; Jouhara, H
2020Applications of Computational Modelling in NeonatologyWrobel, LC
2020A portable test-bench for real-time radiation damage measurements in scintillating and wavelength-shifting fibresHobson, P; Smith, D