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Results 1-10 of 89 (Search time: 0.043 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2006Survey of data mining approaches to user modeling for adaptive hypermediaFrias-Martinez, E; Chen, SY; Liu, X
2018TAPESTRY: Visualizing Interwoven Identities for Trust ProvenanceYang, Y; Collomosse, J; Manohar, A; Briggs, J; Steane, J
29-Aug-2019Integrations between Autonomous System and Modern Computing Techniques: A Mini-reviewChen, J; Abbod, M; Shieh, JS
22-Aug-2019Robotic Digital X-ray Scanning System for Deep Water Flexible Riser InspectionShan, K; Szabo, I; Chong, A; Kanfoud, J; Gan, T-H
14-Jan-2020Determining the Topic Evolution and Sentiment Polarity for Albinism in a Chinese Online Health Community: Machine Learning and Social Network AnalysisBi, Q; Shen, L; Evans, R; Zhang, Z; Wang, S; Dai, W; Liu, C
9-Nov-2018An Exploratory Study of the Inputs for Ensemble Clustering Technique as a Subset Selection ProblemAyed, S; Arzoky, M; Swift, S; Counsell, S; Tucker, A
22-Feb-2020A systematic review of unsupervised learning techniques for software defect predictionLi, N; Shepperd, M; Guo, Y
Jun-2020Detecting Java Software Similarities by using Different Clustering TechniquesCapiluppi, A; Di Ruscio, D; Di Rocco, J; Nguyen, PT; Ajienka, N
2021A Machine Learning Approach for Micro-Credit ScoringDate, P; Ampountolas, A; Constantinescu, C; Nyarko Nde, T
Aug-2020Design of a flexible, user friendly feature matrix generation system and its application on biomedical datasetsGhorbani, M; Swift, S; Taylor, SJE; Payne, AM