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Results 1441-1450 of 2612 (Search time: 0.017 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
29-May-2018Study of 300,486 individuals identifies 148 independent genetic loci influencing general cognitive functionDavies, G; Lam, M; Harris, SE; Trampush, JW; Luciano, M; Hill, WD; Hagenaars, SP; Ritchie, SJ; Marioni, RE; Fawns-Ritchie, C; Liewald, DCM; Okely, JA; Ahola-Olli, AV; Barnes, CLK; Bertram, L; Bis, JC; Burdick, KE; Christoforou, A; Derosse, P; Djurovic, S; Espeseth, T; Giakoumaki, S; Giddaluru, S; Gustavson, DE; Hayward, C; Hofer, E; Ikram, MA; Karlsson, R; Knowles, E; Lahti, J; Leber, M; Li, S; Mather, KA; Melle, I; Morris, D; Oldmeadow, C; Palviainen, T; Payton, A; Pazoki, R; Petrovic, K; Reynolds, CA; Sargurupremraj, M; Scholz, M; Smith, JA; Smith, AV; Terzikhan, N; Thalamuthu, A; Trompet, S; Van Der Lee, SJ; Ware, EB; Windham, BG; Wright, MJ; Yang, J; Yu, J; Ames, D; Amin, N; Amouyel, P; Andreassen, OA; Armstrong, NJ; Assareh, AA; Attia, JR; Attix, D; Avramopoulos, D; Bennett, DA; Böhmer, AC; Boyle, PA; Brodaty, H; Campbell, H; Cannon, TD; Cirulli, ET; Congdon, E; Conley, ED; Corley, J; Cox, SR; Dale, AM; Dehghan, A; Dick, D; Dickinson, D; Eriksson, JG; Evangelou, E; Faul, JD; Ford, I; Freimer, NA; Gao, H; Giegling, I; Gillespie, NA; Gordon, SD; Gottesman, RF; Griswold, ME; Gudnason, V; Harris, TB; Hartmann, AM; Hatzimanolis, A; Heiss, G; Holliday, EG; Joshi, PK; Kähönen, M; Kardia, SLR; Karlsson, I; Kleineidam, L
Sep-2017Desorption characteristics of H<inf>2</inf>O and CO<inf>2</inf> from alumina F200 under different feed/purge pressure ratios and regeneration temperaturesShi, YF; Liu, XJ; Guo, Y; Kalbassi, MA; Liu, YS
16-Sep-2016Versatile fabrication of a superhydrophobic and ultralight cellulose-based aerogel for oil spillage clean-upZhang, H; Li, Y; Xu, Y; Lu, Z; Chen, L; Huang, L; Fan, M
26-Jan-2019Dual porosity modelling of the coupled mechanical response of coal to gas flow and adsorptionChen, M; Hosking, LJ; Sandford, RJ; Thomas, HR
2016Simulating heat flux and bubble nucleation using molecular dynamicsKarayiannis, Tassos; Smith, Edward; Sefiane, Khellil; Matar, Omar
2016Effect of Geometry on the Performance of Co2 Gas Cooler/Condenser and its associatedGe; Tassou; Tsamos, K; Santosa
22-Aug-2019Robotic Digital X-ray Scanning System for Deep Water Flexible Riser InspectionShan, K; Szabo, I; Chong, A; Kanfoud, J; Gan, T-H
16-Nov-2014Parametrically Excited Vibration in Rolling Element BearingsRamagiri, S; Sarkar, A; Sekhar, AS
6-Jan-2020Observation of the Λ<inf>b</inf><sup>0</sup>→J/ψΛϕ decay in proton-proton collisions at s=13TeVSirunyan, AM; Tumasyan, A; Adam, W; Ambrogi, F; Bergauer, T; Dragicevic, M; Erö, J; Escalante Del Valle, A; Flechl, M; Frühwirth, R; Jeitler, M; Krammer, N; Krätschmer, I; Liko, D; Madlener, T; Mikulec, I; Rad, N; Schieck, J; Schöfbeck, R; Spanring, M; Waltenberger, W; Wulz, CE; Zarucki, M; Drugakov, V; Mossolov, V; Suarez Gonzalez, J; Darwish, MR; De Wolf, EA; Di Croce, D; Janssen, X; Lelek, A; Pieters, M; Rejeb Sfar, H; Van Haevermaet, H; Van Mechelen, P; Van Putte, S; Van Remortel, N; Blekman, F; Bols, ES; Chhibra, SS; D'Hondt, J; De Clercq, J; Lontkovskyi, D; Lowette, S; Marchesini, I; Moortgat, S; Python, Q; Skovpen, K; Tavernier, S; Van Doninck, W; Van Mulders, P; Beghin, D; Bilin, B; Clerbaux, B; De Lentdecker, G; Delannoy, H; Dorney, B; Favart, L; Grebenyuk, A; Kalsi, AK; Popov, A; Postiau, N; Starling, E; Thomas, L; Vander Velde, C; Vanlaer, P; Vannerom, D; Cornelis, T; Dobur, D; Khvastunov, I; Niedziela, M; Roskas, C; Tytgat, M; Verbeke, W; Vermassen, B; Vit, M; Bondu, O; Bruno, G; Caputo, C; David, P; Delaere, C; Delcourt, M; Giammanco, A; Lemaitre, V; Prisciandaro, J; Saggio, A; Vidal Marono, M; Vischia, P; Zobec, J; Alves, FL; Alves, GA; Correia Silva, G; Hensel, C; Moraes, A; Rebello Teles, P; Belchior Batista Das Chagas, E; Carvalho, W; Chinellato, J; Coelho, E; Da Costa, EM
28-Oct-2016Nano-cathodoluminescence reveals the effect of electron damage on the optical properties of nitride optoelectronics and the damage thresholdGriffiths, JT; Zhang, S; Lhuillier, J; Zhu, D; Fu, WY; Howkins, A; Boyd, I; Stowe, D; Wallis, DJ; Humphreys, CJ; Oliver, RA