Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 50 of 55
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2019 | ‘Time to spread my wings’ An investigative study exploring the effects of inpatient mental health rehabilitation What is the effect of inpatient mental health rehabilitation on an individual’s functional performance and do changes impact quality of life? | Dadswell, Rachel |
2018 | Personal journeys of recovery: Exploring the experiences of mental health service users engaging with the Kawa 'River' model. | Lim, Kee Hean |
2016 | "Connecting people and the earth": the occupational experience of people with different capabilities participating in an inclusive horticultural social enterprise | Coetzee, Simone |
2015 | How do occupational therapists practising in forensic mental health know? A practice epistemology perspective. | Cordingley, Kevin, John |
2015 | Exploring the relationship between hemi-inattention and functional recovery in the first six months after stroke: a longitudinal study with a multilevel modelling approach to data analysis | Stein, Stella (Maria) |
2015 | An exploration of the experience of codependency through interpretative phenomenological analysis | Bacon, Ingrid G. F. I. |
2014 | Food activities and the maintenance of identity in later life | Plastow, Nicola Ann |
2014 | Using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) to enhance healthcare communication: an action research project with an acute stroke service | Tempest, Stephanie Elaine |
2014 | “It gave me something big in my life to wonder and think about which took over the space … and not MS”: Managing well-being in multiple sclerosis through art-making | Hunt, L; Nikopoulou-Smyrni, P; Reynolds, F |
2014 | Educating novice practitioners to detect elder financial abuse: A randomised controlled trial | Harries, P; Davies, M; Gilhooly, K; Gilhooly, M; Tomlinson, C |
2013 | A comparison of two-coloured filter systems for treating visual reading difficulties | Hall, R; Ray, N; Harries, P; Stein, J |
2014 | Influence of a walking aid on temporal and spatial parameters of gait in healthy adults | Jayakaran, P; De Souza, L; Cossar, J; Gilhooly, K |
2013 | Learning experiences on role-emerging placements: An exploration from the students' perspective | Dancza, K; Warren, A; Copley, J; Rodger, S; Moran, M; McKay, EA; Taylor, A |
2010 | Effect of a new physiotherapy concept on bone mineral density, muscle force and gross motor function in children with bilateral cerebral palsy | Stark, C; Nikopoulou-Smyrni, P; Stabrey, A; Semler, O; Schoenau, E |
2009 | What are the experiences of adults returning to work following recovery from Guillain-Barré syndrome? An interpretative phenomenological analysis | Royal, E; Reynolds, FA; Houlden, H |
2010 | Art-making and identity work: A qualitative study of women living with chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME) | Reynolds, F; Vivat, B |
2011 | Young women's accounts of intimate partner violence during adolescence and subsequent recovery processes: An interpretative phenomenological analysis | Reynolds, F; Shepherd, C |
2011 | Visual art-making as a resource for living positively with arthritis: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of older women’s accounts | Reynolds, F; Vivat, B; Prior, S |
2013 | Life satisfaction and self-efficacy in patients affected by a first stroke living in Kuwait: A two-phase study | Omu, O; Reynolds, F |
2012 | Health professionals' perceptions of cultural influences on stroke experiences and rehabilitation in Kuwait | Omu, O; Reynolds, F |
2012 | Health and safety of the older worker | Farrow, A; Reynolds, F |
2012 | Art therapy after stroke: Evidence and a need for further research | Reynolds, F |
2014 | Experiences of obesity among Saudi Arabian women contemplating bariatric surgery: An interpretative phenomenological analysis | Alqout, O; Reynolds, F |
2014 | Religious faith and psychosocial adaptation among stroke patients in Kuwait: A mixed method study | Omu, O; Al-Obaidi, S; Reynolds, F |
2014 | ‘It’s like having a day of freedom, a day off from being ill’: Exploring the experiences of people living with mental health problems who attend a community-based arts project, using interpretative phenomenological analysis | Lawson, J; Reynolds, F; Bryant, W; Wilson, L |
2010 | Facilitating independence in personal activities of daily living after a severe traumatic brain injury | Kelly, F; Nikopoulos, CK |
2010 | 'They're battle scars, I wear them well': A phenomenological exploration of young women's experiences of building resilience following adversity in adolescence | Reynolds, FA; Moran, J |
2010 | 'Colour and communion': Exploring the influences of visual art-making as a leisure activity on older women's subjective well-being | Reynolds, F |
2013 | Handwriting speed in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder: Are they really slower? | Barnett, AL; Wilmut, K; Plumb, MS |
2013 | The meaning and experience of work in the context of severe and enduring mental health problems: An interpretative phenomenological analysis | Blank, A; Harries, P; Reynolds, F |
2013 | Reciprocal access agreements between BJOT, AJOT, and CJOT: New resources for occupational therapists around the world | Harries, PA; Gutman, SA; Polatajko, HJ |
2014 | Polio survivors’ perceptions of the meaning of quality of life and strategies used to promote participation in everyday activities | Atwal, A; Spiliotopoulou, G; Coleman, C; Harding, K; Quirke, C; Smith, N; Osseiran, Z; Plastow, N; Wilson, L |
2012 | 'Otherwise it would be nothing but cruises': Exploring the subjective benefits of working beyond 65 | Reynolds, FA; Farrow, A; Blank, A |
2012 | An exploration of the lived experience of progressive cerebellar Ataxia: An interpretative phenomenological analysis | Cassidy, Elizabeth Emma |
2012 | The experience of falling of older people with dementia and their carers | McIntyre, Anne Elizabeth |
2005 | What's cooking? Theory and practice in the kitchen | Bryant, W; McKay, EA |
2012 | Awareness, requirements and barriers to use of Assistive Technology designed to enable independence of people suffering from Dementia (ATD) | van den Heuvel, EA; Jowitt, F; McIntyre, A |
2011 | With comfort and dignity and support: An evaluation of the Hospice at Home service delivered by Milford Care Centre | McKay, EA; Taylor, AE; Armstrong, C |
2009 | Management of children with ADHD and LD: A survey of paediatric occupational therapists in the UK | Spiliotopoulou, G |
2011 | Strategies of adapting and replacing artistic leisure occupations to maintain participation and identity: A qualitative study of women with arthritis | Reynolds, F A; Prior, S |
2008 | Women's experiences of increasing subjective well-being in CFS/ME through leisure-based arts and crafts activities: A qualitative study | Reynolds, F; Vivat, B; Prior, S |
2008 | Narratives of therapeutic art-making in the context of marital breakdown: Older women reflect on a significant mid-life experience | Reynolds, F; Prior, S; Lim, KH |
2001 | Studying clinical reasoning, part 1: Have we been taking the wrong 'track'? | Harries, P; Harries, C |
2001 | Studying clinical reasoning, part 2: Applying social judgement theory | Harries, P; Harries, C |
2008 | Images of resistance: A photonarrative enquiry into the meanings of personal artwork for people living with cancer | Reynolds, F; Lim, KH; Prior, S |
2007 | Turning to art as a positive way of living with cancer: A qualitative study of personal motives and contextual influences | Reynolds, F; Lim, KH |
2006 | Using change management theory to implement the international classification of functioning, disability and health (ICF) in clinical practice | Appleby, H |
2007 | Inpatients’ perspectives of occupational therapy in acute mental health | Lim, KH; Morris, J; Craik, C |
2006 | Enabling occupational therapy students to take a fresh approach to psychosis | Blank, A; Hayward, M; Craik, C; Gallagher, M |
2007 | Interprofessional learning in practice: The student experience | Mackenzie, A; Craik, C; Tempest, S; Cordingley, K; Hale, S; Buckingham, I |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 50 of 55