Browsing by Author Lai, CS

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Showing results 86 to 105 of 195 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
18-Nov-2012Lessons learned from July 2012 Indian blackoutLai, LL; Zhang, HT; Mishra, S; Ramasubramanian, D; Lai, CS; Xu, FY
1-Feb-2019Levelized cost of electricity considering electrochemical energy storage cycle-life degradationsLai, CS; Locatelli, G; Pimm, A; Li, X; Lai, LL
10-Oct-2017Levelized cost of electricity for photovoltaic/biogas power plant hybrid system with electrical energy storage degradation costsLai, CS; Jia, Y; Xu, Z; Lai, LL; Li, X; Cao, J; McCulloch, MD
5-Jan-2017Levelized cost of electricity for solar photovoltaic and electrical energy storageLai, CS; McCulloch, MD
2016Levelized Cost of Energy for PV and Grid Scale Energy Storage SystemsLai, CS; McCulloch, MD
11-Jun-2022Line Outage Distribution Factors of a Linearized AC model with Reactive Power and Voltage Magnitude for Resilience-Constrained Economic DispatchHuang, Z; Huang, L; Lai, CS; Jia, Y; Zhao, Z; Li, X; Lai, LL
27-Sep-2018Load Forecasting based on Deep Long Short-term Memory with Consideration of Costing Correlated FactorHuang, B; Wu, D; Lai, CS; Cun, X; Yuan, H; Xu, F; Lai, LL; Tsang, KF
24-Aug-2020Load forecasting based on deep neural network and historical data augmentationLai, CS; Mo, Z; Wang, T; Yuan, H; Ng, WWY; Lai, LL
29-Oct-2020LP-INDEX: Explore the Best Practice of LPWAN Technologies in Smart CityWang, H; Liu, Y; Wei, Y; He, Y; Tsang, KF; Lai, LL; Lai, CS
24-Mar-2021Maximal Information Coefficient Based Residential Photovoltaic Power Generation DisaggregationChen, Z; Pan, K; Lai, CS; Li, Z; Zhao, Z; Lai, LL
6-Jan-2024MDEmoNet: A Multimodal Driver Emotion Recognition Network for Smart CockpitHu, C; Gu, S; Yang, M; Han, G; Lai, CS; Gao, M; Yang, Z; Ma, G
25-Jul-2023MDGN: Circuit design of memristor-based denoising autoencoder and gated recurrent unit network for lithium-ion battery state of charge estimationWang, J; Zhang, X; Han, Y; Lai, CS; Dong, Z; Ma, G; Gao, M
7-Nov-2022Memristive Circuit Design of Sequencer Network for Human Emotion ClassificationJi, X; Dong, Z; Wang, H; Lai, CS; Qi, D
2-Feb-2023Memristive Devices and Systems: Modeling, Properties and ApplicationsLai, CS; Dong, Z; Qi, D
20-Dec-2021Memristive System Based Image Processing Technology: A Review and PerspectiveJi, X; Dong, Z; Zhou, G; Lai, CS; Yan, Y; Qi, D
15-Mar-2022Memristor-Based Hierarchical Attention Network for Multimodal Affective Computing in Mental Health MonitoringDong, Z; Ji, X; Lai, CS; Qi, D; Zhou, G; Lai, LL
22-May-2024Metaverse Meets Intelligent Transportation System: An Efficient and Instructional Visual Perception FrameworkWang, J; Chen, Y; Ji, X; Dong, Z; Gao, M; Lai, CS
2014Methodology for cost benefit analysis of smart grid used in decision supportYang, Q; Lai, LL; Lai, CS
10-May-2024MLG-NCS: Multimodal Local-Global Neuromorphic Computing System for Affective Video Content AnalysisJi, X; Dong, Z; Zhou, G; Lai, CS; Qi, D
20-Jul-2023Model Reduction for Grid-Forming Hybrid Renewable Energy Microgrid Clusters Based on Multi-Timescale CharacterizationZhao, Z; Luo, X; Wu, J; Xie, J; Gong, S; Ni, Q; Lai, CS; Lai, LL