Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2017 | Abstract P1-04-09: The missing link: Chemicals, epigenetics and breast cancer | Maund, PR; Ermler, S; Widschwendter, M; Silva, E |
2016 | Abstract P6-05-03: Investigating the effects of low-dose mixtures of environmental contaminants on breast cancer initiation | Silva, E; Ermler, S; Widschwendter, M; Maund, PR |
12-Feb-2022 | Bisphenol A and declining semen quality: A systematic review to support the derivation of a reference dose for mixture risk assessments | Kortenkamp, A; Martin, O; Ermler, S; Baig, A; Scholze, M |
9-Jun-2022 | Combined exposures to bisphenols, polychlorinated dioxins, paracetamol, and phthalates as drivers of deteriorating semen quality | Kortenkamp, A; Scholze, M; Ermler, S; Priskorn, L; Jørgensen, N; Andersson, A-M; Frederiksen, H |
4-May-2020 | Data collection in support of the Endocrine Disruption (ED) assessment for non-target vertebrates | Martin, O; Ermler, S; Baynes, A; McPhie, J |
22-Mar-2022 | Declining semen quality and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs): Review of the literature to support the derivation of a reference dose for a mixture risk assessment | Ermler, S; Kortenkamp, A |
2015 | Effects of common pesticides on prostaglandin D2 (PGD2) inhibition in SC5 mouse sertoli cells, evidence of binding at the cox-2 active site, and implications for endocrine disruption | Kugathas, S; Audouze, K; Ermler, S; Orton, F; Rosivatz, E; Scholze, M; Kortenkamp, A |
9-Nov-2016 | Functional and prognostic significance of the genomic amplification of frizzled receptor 6 ( FZD6 ) in breast cancer | Corda, G; Sala, G; Lattanzio, R; Iezzi, M; Sallese, M; Fragassi, G; Lamolinara, A; Mirza, H; Barcaroli, D; Ermler, S; Silva, E; Yasaei, H; Newbold, RF; Vagnarelli, P; Mottolese, M; Natali, PG; Perracchio, L; Quist, J; Grigoriadis, A; Marra, P; Tutt, AN; Piantelli, M; Iacobelli, S; De Laurenzi, V; Sala, A |
2014 | Genotoxic mixtures and dissimilar action: Concepts for prediction and assessment | Ermler, S; Scholze, M; Kortenkamp, A |
14-May-2020 | The goliath project: Towards an internationally harmonised approach for testing metabolism disrupting compounds | Legler, J; Zalko, D; Jourdan, F; Jacobs, M; Fromenty, B; Balaguer, P; Bourguet, W; Kos, VM; Nadal, A; Beausoleil, C; Cristobal, S; Remy, S; Ermler, S; Margiotta-Casaluci, L; Griffin, JL; Blumberg, B; Chesné, C; Hoffmann, S; Andersson, PL; Kamstra, JH |
2014 | Mind the gap: Can we explain declining male reproductive health with known antiandrogens? | Kortenkamp, A; Scholze, M; Ermler, S |
2014 | Mixture effects at very low doses with combinations of anti-androgenic pesticides, antioxidants, industrial pollutant and chemicals used in personal care products | Orton, F; Ermler, S; Kugathas, S; Rosivatz, E; Scholze, M; Kortenkamp, A |
- | Mixture effects at very low doses with combinations of anti-androgenic pesticides, antioxidants, industrial pollutant and chemicals used in personal care products | Orton, F; Ermler, S; Kugathas, S; Rosivatz, E; Scholze, M; Kortenkamp, A |
25-Nov-2020 | Quantitative in Vitro to in Vivo Extrapolation (QIVIVE) for Predicting Reduced Anogenital Distance Produced by Anti-Androgenic Pesticides in a Rodent Model for Male Reproductive Disorders | Scholze, M; Taxvig, C; Kortenkamp, A; Boberg, J; Christiansen, S; Svingen, T; Lauschke, K; Frandsen, H; Ermler, S; Hermann, SS; Pedersen, M; Lykkeberg, AK; Axelstad, M; Vinggaard, AM |
14-Apr-2024 | Recent Advances in 3D printing for in vitro cancer models | Zhang, B; Morgan, M; Teoh, XY; Mackay, R; Ermler, S; Narayan, R |
17-Aug-2021 | Reproducibility of adipogenic responses to metabolism disrupting chemicals in the 3T3-L1 pre-adipocyte model system: An interlaboratory study | Kassotis, CD; Hoffman, K; Völker, J; Pu, Y; Veiga-Lopez, A; Kim, SM; Schlezinger, JJ; Bovolin, P; Cottone, E; Saraceni, A; Scandiffio, R; Atlas, E; Leingartner, K; Krager, S; Tischkau, SA; Ermler, S; Legler, J; Chappell, VA; Fenton, SE; Mesmar, F; Bondesson, M; Fernández, MF; Stapleton, HM |
2013 | Seven benzimidazole pesticides combined at sub-threshold levels induce micronuclei in vitro | Ermler, S; Scholze, M; Kortenkamp, A |
11-Oct-2022 | Systematic review of associations of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) exposure with declining semen quality in support of the derivation of reference doses for mixture risk assessments | Ermler, S; Kortenkamp, A |
26-Oct-2020 | Ten years of research on synergisms and antagonisms in chemical mixtures: A systematic review and quantitative reappraisal of mixture studies | Martin, O; Scholze, M; Ermler, S; McPhie, J; Bopp, SK; Kienzler, A; Parissis, N; Kortenkamp, A |
9-Jun-2024 | Weight of evidence evaluation of the metabolism disrupting effects of triphenyl phosphate using an expert knowledge elicitation approach | Beausoleil, C; Thébault, A; Andersson, P; Cabaton, NJ; Ermler, S; Fromenty, B; Garoche, C; Griffin, JL; Hoffmann, S; Kamstra, JH; Kubickova, B; Lenters, V; Munic Kos, V; Poupin, N; Remy, S; Sapounidou, M; Zalko, D; Legler, J; Jacobs, MN; Rousselle, C |