Showing results 1 to 20 of 32
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2012 | Are we there yet? The role of gender on the effectiveness and efficiency of user-robot communication in navigational tasks | Koulouri, T; Lauria, S; Macredie, RD; Chen, SY |
2009 | A corpus-based analysis of route instructions in human-robot interaction | Koulouri, T; Lauria, S |
2014 | Do (and say) as I say: Linguistic adaptation in human-computer dialogs | Kolouri, T; Lauria, S; Macredie, R |
2015 | Enhancing practice and achievement in introductory programming with a robot olympics | Scott, MJ; Counsell, S; Lauria, S; Swift, S; Tucker, A; Shepperd, M; Ghinea, G |
2015 | Enhancing Practice and Achievement in Introductory Programming With a Robot Olympics | Scott, MJ; Counsell, S; Lauria, S; Swift, S; Tucker, A; Shepperd, M; Ghinea, G |
2014 | Existence of random attractors for a class of second order lattice dynamical systems with Brownian motions | Wang, Y; Huang, Z; Alsaadi, FE; Lauria, S; Liu, Y |
2009 | Exploring miscommunication and collaborative behaviour in human-robot interaction | Koulouri, T; Lauria, S |
2013 | Gender differences in navigation dialogues with computer systems | Koulouri, Theodora |
2016 | The influence of visual feedback and gender dynamics on performance, perception and communication strategies in CSCW | Macredie, R; Lauria, S; Koulouri, T |
29-Jun-2022 | Many-objective optimization meets recommendation systems: A food recommendation scenario | Zhang, J; Li, M; Liu, W; Lauria, S; Liu, X |
5-May-2021 | Melt pool segmentation for additive manufacturing: A generative adversarial network approach | Liu, W; Wang, Z; Tian, L; Lauria, S; Liu, X |
2014 | Microblogging as a mechanism for human–robot interaction | Bell, D; Koulouri, T; Lauria, S; Macredie, RD; Sutton, J |
2014 | Microblogging as a mechanism for human–robot interaction | Bell, D; Koulouri, T; Lauria, S; Macredie, RD; Sutton, J |
2009 | Mobile robot localization using robust extended H-infinity filtering | Yang, F; Wang, Z; Lauria, S; Hu, X |
6-Jun-2019 | Moving Object Detection using Adaptive Blind Update and RGB-D Camera | Dorudian, N; Lauria, S; Swift, S |
29-Dec-2022 | A New Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Outlier Detection: Industrial Data Clustering in Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing | Fang, J; Wang, Z; Liu, W; Lauria, S; Zeng, N; Prieto, C; Sikstrom, F; Liu, X |
2018 | Nonparametric background modelling and segmentation to detect Micro Air Vehicles (MAV) using RGB-D Sensor | Lauria, S; Dorudian, N; Swift, S |
20-Jul-2019 | A novel aggregation-based dominance for Pareto-based evolutionary algorithms to configure software product lines | Xue, Y; Li, M; Shepperd, M; Lauria, S; Liu, X |
24-Dec-2024 | A Novel Depth-Connected Region-Based Convolutional Neural Network for Small Defect Detection in Additive Manufacturing | Wang, Y; Wang, Z; Liu, W; Zeng, N; Lauria, S; Prieto, C; Sikström, F; Yu, H; Liu, X |
23-Jun-2023 | A Novel Multi-Objective Optimization Approach with Flexible Operation Planning Strategy for Truck Scheduling | Wang, Y; Liu, W; Wang, C; Fadzil, F; Lauria, S; Liu, X |