Browsing by Author Ortu, M

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 22  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Are bullies more productive? Empirical study of affectiveness vs. issue fixing timeOrtu, M; Adams, B; Destefanis, D; Tourani, P; Marchesi, M; Tonelli, R
2016Arsonists or firefighters? Affectiveness in agile software developmentOrtu, M; Destefanis; Counsell, S; Swift, S; Tonelli, R; Marchesi, M
2020The Butterfly “Affect”: Impact of Development Practices on Cryptocurrency PricesBartolucci, S; Destefanis, G; Ortu, M; Uras, N; Marchesi, M; Tonelli, R
8-Dec-2021Cryptocurrency ecosystems and social media environments: An empirical analysis through Hawkes’ models and natural language processingOrtu, M; Vacca, S; Destefanis, G; Conversano, C
10-Jul-2024A Curated Solidity Smart Contracts Repository of Metrics and VulnerabilityIbba, G; Aufiero, S; Neykova, R; Bartolucci, S; Ortu, M; Tonelli, R; Destefanis, G
12-Mar-2024DAI: A Dependencies Analyzer and Installer For Solidity Smart ContractsIbba, G; Destefanis, G; Neykova, R; Ortu, M; Aufiero, S; Bartolucci, S
27-Sep-2024DApps ecosystems: mapping the network structure of smart contract interactionsAufiero, S; Ibba, G; Bartolucci, S; Destefanis, G; Neykova, R; Ortu, M
2-May-2020Describing software developers affectiveness through Markov chain modelsOrtu, M; Conversano, C; Marchesi, M; Tonelli, R; Counsell, S; Destefanis, G
2016The emotional side of software developers in JIRAOrtu, M; Murgia, A; Destefanis, G; Tourani, P; Tonelli, R; Marchesi, M; Adams, B
24-Feb-2023Fault-insertion and fault-fixing behavioural patterns in Apache Software Foundation ProjectsOrtu, M; Destefanis, G; Hall, T; Bowes, D
8-Nov-2020Fault-insertion and fault-fixing: Analysing developer activity over timeBowes, D; Destefanis, G; Hall, T; Petric, J; Ortu, M
2020How do you propose your code changes? Empirical Analysis of Affect Metrics of Pull Requests on GitHubOrtu, M; Destefanis, G; Graziotin, D; Marchesi, M; Tonelli, R
13-Feb-2024MindTheDApp: A Toolchain for Complex Network-Driven Structural Analysis of Ethereum-based Decentralised ApplicationsIbba, G; Aufiero, S; Bartolucci, S; Neykova, R; Ortu, M; Tonelli, R; Destefanis, G
2016Mining Valence, arousal, and Dominance - Possibilities for detecting burnout and productivity?Mäntylä, M; Adams, B; Destefanis, G; Graziotin, D; Ortu, M
16-Mar-2022On technical trading and social media indicators for cryptocurrency price classification through deep learningOrtu, M; Uras, N; Conversano, C; Bartolucci, S; Destefanis, G
12-Nov-2023A Preliminary Analysis of Software Metrics in Decentralised ApplicationsIbba, G; Khullar, S; Tesfai, E; Neykova, R; Aufiero, S; Ortu, M; Bartolucci, S; Destefanis, G
16-May-2023A Preliminary Analysis on the Code Generation Capabilities of GPT-3.5 and Bard AI Models for Java FunctionsDestefanis, G; Bartolucci, S; Ortu, M
2023Smart contract metrics: a first studyTonelli, R; Pierro, GA; Ortu, M; Destefanis, G
2018Smart Contracts Vulnerabilities: A Call for Blockchain Software Engineering?Destefanis, G; Marchesi, M; Ortu, M; Tonelli, R; Bracciali, A; Hierons, RM
2016Software development: do good manners matter?Destefanis, G; Ortu, M; Counsell, S; Swift, S; Marchesi, M; Tonelli, R