Browsing by Author Oruh, ES

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 22  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
26-Jul-2023Africapitalism: The marketisation of philanthrocapitalism and neoliberalism in African entrepreneurial philanthropyAdewoye, D; Mendy, J; Oruh, ES; Mordi, C; Egwuonwu, A
10-Nov-2022Are People the Greatest Asset: Talent Management in SME Hotels in Nigeria during the COVID-19 crisisHowe-Walsh, L; Kirk, S; Oruh, ES
14-Feb-2020A critical discourse analysis of the link between professional culture and organisational cultureAdisa, TA; Oruh, ES; Akanji, B
27-Sep-2022Digital Onboarding and Employee Outcomes: Empirical Evidence from the UKSani, KF; Adisa, TA; Adekoya, OD; Oruh, ES
6-Nov-2023Drivers of Big Data Analytics’ Adoption and Implications of Management Decision-Making on Big Data Adoption and Firms’ Financial and Non-Financial Performance: Evidence from Nigeria’s Manufacturing and Service IndustriesEgwuonwu, A; Mendy, J; Oruh, ES; Egwuonwu, A
13-Jul-2023Employee reactions to planned organizational culture change: A configurational perspectiveTasoulis, K; Pappas, IO; Vlachos, P; Oruh, ES
26-Jun-2020Employee Stress and the Implication of High-Power Distance Culture: Empirical Evidence from Nigeria’s Employment TerrainOruh, ES; Dibia, C
3-Sep-2019Ethnic Business Failure: A Scarcity Mind-set PerspectiveSarpong, D; Maclean, M; Oruh, ES; Botchie, D
5-Jun-2023An Exploration of the Practices of Locational Flexibility in Developing Economies: Insights from the Nigerian Higher Education SectorMordi, C; Ajonbadi, HA; Adekoya, OD; Oruh, ES
30-Apr-2021Exploring compassionate managerial leadership style in reducing employee stress level during COVID-19 crisis: the case of NigeriaOruh, ES; Mordi, C; Dibia, CH; Ajonbadi, H
2-Sep-2020High-Power Distance Culture & Challenges of Corporate Governance: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Nigeria’s ExperienceOruh, ES; Dibia, C; Mordi, C; Dirpal, G
2-Sep-2020Human Resource Management and Circular Economy: A Critical PerspectiveDibia, C; Oruh, ES; Anderson, M; Dirpal, G
30-May-2018The impacts of work-life-balance (WLB) challenges on social sustainability: The experience of Nigerian female medical doctorsMushfiqur, R; Mordi, C; Oruh, ES; Nwagbara, U; Mordi, T; Turner, IM
2-Sep-2023The Implication of Motivational and Metacognitive Dimensions Of Cultural Intelligence on Psychic Distance in Inter-organizational Relationship: The Relational Resource PerspectiveOruh, ES; Egwuonwu, A; Mendy, J; Egwuonwu, A; Adisa, T; Ashaye, OOR
6-Jan-2020Investigating the relationship between managerialist employment relations and employee turnover intention: The case of NigeriaOruh, ES; Mordi, C; Ajonbadi, A; Mojeed-Sanni, B; Nwagbara, U; Rahman, M
9-Jul-2018Legitimisation Strategies and Managerial Capture: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Employment Relations in NigeriaOruh, ES; Nwagbara, U; Mordi, C; Mushfiqur, R
2-Sep-2020The Link between Managerialist Employment Relations and Work-Life Imbalance: The Experience of Nigerian Banking Sector’s WorkersOruh, ES
1-Dec-2021On the consequences of scarcity mindset: How ‘having too little’ means so much for ethnic venture failureSarpong, D; Maclean, M; Oruh, ES; Botchie, D
2024Psychic Distance and Inter-organizational Relationships: Theoretical Foundations, Methodological Approaches, and Future Research DirectionEgwuonwu, A; Oruh, ES; Egwuonwu, A
26-Feb-2020Time Biases: Exploring the Work-Life Balance of Single Nigerian Managers and ProfessionalsAkainji, B; Mordi, C; Simpson, R; Adisa, TA; Oruh, ES