Browsing by Author Strange, RC
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
29-Oct-2021 | Klinefelters Syndrome: Change in T-Scores with Testosterone, Bisphosphonate, and Vitamin D Treatment over 6 Years | Strange, RC; König, CS; Puttanna, A; Rao, A; Hackett, G; Haider, A; Haider, KS; Desnerck, P; Saad, F; Ramachandran, S |
2018 | Managing Clinical Heterogeneity: An Argument for Benefit Based Action Limits | Koenig, CS; Ramachandran, S; Hackett, G; Livingstone, M; Strange, RC |
2015 | The need for a marker predicting benefit following cardiovascular disease risk reduction treatment | Konig, CS; Atherton, M; Rogers, N; Gomm, C; Bailey, C; Strange, RC; Shipman, K; Haliday, I; Levya, F; Ramachandran, S |
23-Sep-2021 | Testosterone Therapy in Adult-Onset Testosterone Deficiency: Hematocrit and Hemoglobin Changes | Lorde, N; Maarouf, A; Strange, RC; König, CS; Hackett, G; Haider, A; Haider, KS; Desnerck, P; Saad, F; Ramachandran, S |
26-Mar-2019 | Testosterone Therapy: An Assessment of the Clinical Consequences of Changes in Hematocrit and Blood Flow Characteristics | König, CS; Balabani, S; Hackett, GI; Strange, RC; Ramachandran, S |
9-Nov-2021 | Testosterone Therapy: Increase in Hematocrit is Associated with Decreased Mortality | Strange, RC; König, CS; Ahmed, A; Hackett, G; Haider, A; Haider, KS; Desnerck, P; Saad, F; Lorde, N; Maarouf, A; Ramachandran, S |