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dc.contributor.advisorOrgs, G-
dc.contributor.advisorSagiv, N-
dc.contributor.advisorImada, T-
dc.contributor.authorMonroy Agamez, Ernesto Eduardo-
dc.descriptionThis thesis was submitted for the award of Doctor of Philosophy and was awarded by Brunel University Londonen_US
dc.description.abstractResearch on aesthetic perception of dance has been recently generating considerable interest within the field of Psychology of Aesthetics. There are, however, a number of methodological and conceptual gaps in our knowledge such as the application of the method of production, as well as understanding the role of motion smoothness, synchronous movement, and cultural factors in aesthetic perception. The present basic research addresses those gaps through five psychological experiments. In study 1, participants generated static sequences of images according their preference. Smooth continuation of meaningful objects was preferred when considering implied motion. In study 2, participants sorted images into moving sequences that they would like to see. Participants liked movements with smooth motion. In study 3, participants rated different schematic video animations depicting two dancers. Participants preferred smooth movements preformed in synchrony. In study 4, participants rated video animations depicting different types of motion performed by human body or abstract shapes. Participants preferred smooth synchrony. In study 5, British and Japanese participants watched synchronous and asynchronous actual dance video clips, rated the videos according their aesthetic judgement and answered questionnaires about motivations and individualism/collectivism. British participants preferred asynchronous dance while Japanese participants preferred synchronous dance. Studies 1 and 2 applied the method of production for the first time to study aesthetic preference for human movement, studies 1 to 4 support the neurocognitive model of aesthetic appreciation in the performing arts. Study 5 supports our cultural hypothesis: British participants preferred asynchrony (in line with analytical perceptual style, Western focus on individual movements), whereas Japanese participants preferred synchrony (holistic style, Eastern focus on group movement). Convergence between the neurocognitive model and the cultural hypothesis is discussed. The present research opens new lines of research in perception of human movement and performing arts: the method of production, motion smoothness, synchrony, and cross-cultural aesthetics.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipColciencias and Universidad del Norte.en_US
dc.publisherBrunel University Londonen_US
dc.subjectPsychology of aestheticsen_US
dc.subjectPsychology of arten_US
dc.subjectCross-cultural psychologyen_US
dc.subjectPerforming artsen_US
dc.titleThe role of motion smoothness, synchrony, and culture in aesthetic perception of human movement: from the method of production to the method of choiceen_US
Appears in Collections:Psychology
Dept of Health Sciences Theses

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