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Title: Energy Efficient Resource Allocation for Uplink RIS-Aided Millimeter-Wave Networks with NOMA
Authors: Yu, X
Wang, G
Huang, X
Wang, K
Xu, W
Rui, Y
Keywords: energy efficiency;millimeter-wave communication;reconfigurable intelligent surface;power allocation;passive beamforming;analog beamforming
Issue Date: 15-Nov-2022
Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Citation: Yu, X. et al. (2022) 'Energy Efficient Resource Allocation for Uplink RIS-Aided Millimeter-Wave Networks with NOMA', IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 23 (1), pp. 423 - 436. doi: 10.1109/tmc.2022.3222392.
Abstract: In this article, energy efficiency (EE) is maximized for the reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) aided millimeter-Wave (mmWave) networks with non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) and multiple mobile devices. To this end, we first propose the EE optimization, under the constraints of maximum power, minimal rate of devices and constant modulus of beamforming (BF) vectors. Then, the joint resource allocation scheme of power allocation (PA) and BF is designed. Specifically, given PA, an effective iterative algorithm based on the majorization-minimization, concave-convex procedure and block coordinate descent (BCD) is presented to obtain closed-form solutions of suboptimal passive BF (PBF) and analog BF (ABF) for each iteration. Then, given PBF and ABF, an effective iterative algorithm based on the successive convex approximation, BCD and Dinkelbach methods is derived to achieve suboptimal closed-form PA for each iteration. By incorporating these two algorithms into the BCD method, a joint optimization algorithm for EE maximization is presented. As a result, joint resource allocation of PA, PBF and ABF is attained. Besides, the convergence and complexity of the algorithms are analyzed. For comparison, the benchmark scheme based on the multidimensional search method and artificial bee colony algorithm is also presented. Simulation results show that the proposed joint scheme is effective and higher EE can be obtained with lower complexity.
ISSN: 1536-1233
Other Identifiers: ORCiD: Kezhi Wang
Appears in Collections:Dept of Computer Science Research Papers

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