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Title: A generalized Kubilius-Barban-Vinogradov bound for prime multiplicities
Authors: Chen, LHY
Jaramillo, A
Yang, X
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2023
Publisher: ALEA
Citation: Chen, L.H.Y., Jaramillo, A. and Yang, X. (2023) 'A generalized Kubilius-Barban-Vinogradov bound for prime multiplicities', Alea (Rio de Janeiro), 20 pp. 713 - 730. doi: 10.30757/ALEA.v20-27.
Abstract: We present an assessment of the distance in total variation of arbitrary collections of prime factor multiplicities of a random number in [n] = {1,...,n} and a collection of independent geometric random variables. More precisely, we impose mild conditions on the probability law of the random sample and the aforementioned collection of prime multiplicities, for which a fast decaying bound on the distance towards a tuple of geometric variables holds. Our results generalize and complement those from Kubilius (1964) and Barban and Vinogradov (1964) which consider the particular case of uniform samples in [n] and collection of “small primes”. As applications, we show a generalized version of the celebrated Erdös Kac theorem for not necessarily uniform samples of numbers.
Description: Mathematics Subject Classification. 60B12, 11K65.
A preprint version of the article is available at arXiv:2111.07361v1 [math.PR], It has not been certified by peer review.
Other Identifiers: ORCiD: Xiaochuan Yang
arXiv:2111.07361v1 [math.PR]
Appears in Collections:Dept of Mathematics Research Papers

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