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Title: Fostering a Patient-led Culture of Care Through Data Physicalization: A Design Approach to Create Awareness and Promote Data Collection on Antimicrobial Resistance
Authors: Terenghi, G
Cangiano, S
Autuori, A
Margarida Corti, C
Keywords: data physicalization;citizen engagement;data literacy;antimicrobial resistance
Issue Date: 24-Jun-2024
Publisher: Design Research Society
Citation: Terenghi, G. et al. (2024) 'Fostering a Patient-led Culture of Care Through Data Physicalization: A Design Approach to Create Awareness and Promote Data Collection on Antimicrobial Resistance', Proceedings of DRS, Boston, MA, USA, 23-28 June, pp. 1 - 20. doi: 10.21606/drs.2024.419.
Abstract: The paradigm shift in healthcare delivery models is leading to individuals assuming greater responsibilities and control, as the agency is moving from doctor-centric to patient-centric. To foster a patient-led culture of care, health and data literacy are essential, especially in the context of global challenges, where citizen awareness is fundamental to play actively in co-creating knowledge. This paper outlines a methodological approach and the outcomes of a design research project focused on promoting engagement and literacy to facilitate citizen and patient participation in addressing the antimicrobial resistance threat. The approach is tested in the format of an experimental workshop, inspired by the procedure of the antibiogram. Data physicalization modalities are considered to promote literacy in healthcare and involve citizens in data collection practices to explain the scientific phenomenon of AMR, engage non-experts in understanding antibiotic functionalities and share personal information related to consumption behaviours.
ISBN: 978-1-912294-62-6
Appears in Collections:Brunel Design School Research Papers

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