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Title: What price near-zero emissions? Energy and economic modelling for the UK using real-world data to 2050 and beyond
Authors: Roberts, SH
Axon, CJ
Issue Date: 22-Dec-2024
Publisher: Brunel University of London
Citation: Roberts, S.H. and Axon, C.J. (2024) What price near-zero emissions? Energy and economic modelling for the UK using real-world data to 2050 and beyond. London: Brunel University of London. Online resource, pp. 1 - 28 (28). doi: 10.17633/rd.brunel.28070402.v1.
Abstract: Current measures cannot deliver net zero atany point in the foreseeable future. All policy underpinning ‘net zero by 2050’ should be revisited, and new policy should look beyond 2050. Risks arise pursuing netzero from unintended consequences such as the likelihood of stranded assets or becoming locked into technological pathways with short-term uses but long-term disadvantages.
Description: Acknowledgement: This updated version of the 7see model is supported by the Institute of Energy Futures at Brunel University of London. We would like to thank reviewers for their helpful comments.
Other Identifiers: ORCiD: Simon H. Roberts
ORCiD: Colin J. Axon
Appears in Collections:Dept of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Research Papers
Institute of Energy Futures

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