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Title: The UK Economics of Music Streaming Inquiry
Authors: Bosher, H
Keywords: copyright;inquiries;music industry;select committees;streaming media
Issue Date: 3-Feb-2022
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell/ESC Publishing
Citation: Bosher, H. (2022) 'The UK Economics of Music Streaming Inquiry', Entertainment Law Review, 33 (2), pp. 50-56 (7). Available at: I770868707D7811EC9E2C9DB1BFBCF217/View/FullText.html (accessed: 5 February 202).
ISSN: 0959-3799
Appears in Collections:Brunel Law School Research Papers

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FullText.pdfCopyright © Sweet & Maxwell/ESC Publishing 2023. This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced version of an article accepted for publication in Entertainment Law Review following peer review. The definitive published version Ent. L.R. 2022, 33(2), 50-56 is available online on Westlaw UK: I770868707D7811EC9E2C9DB1BFBCF217/View/FullText.html. It is made available on this institutional repository under a CC BY-NC license. No commecrial re-use is permitted.332.3 kBAdobe PDFView/Open

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