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dc.contributor.advisorWright, M-
dc.contributor.advisorO’Brien, J-
dc.contributor.authorShaw, Lynda Joan-
dc.descriptionThis thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University.-
dc.description.abstractCan the brain register the emotional valence of brief exposures of complex natural stimuli under conditions of forward and backward masking, and under conditions of attentional competition between foveal and peripheral stimuli? To address this question, three experiments were conducted. The first, a behavioural experiment, measured subjective valence of response (pleasant vs unpleasant) to test the perception of the valence of natural images in brief, masked exposures in a forward and backward masking paradigm. Images were chosen from the International Affective Picture System (IAPS) series. After correction for response bias, responses to the majority of target stimuli were concordant with the IAPS ratings at better than chance, even when the presence of the target was undetected. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), the effects of IAPS valence and stimulus category were objectively measured on nine regions of interest (ROIs) using the same strict temporal restrictions in a similar masking design. Evidence of affective processing close to or below conscious threshold was apparent in some of the ROIs. To further this line of enquiry, a second fMRI experiment mapping the same ROIs and using the same stimuli were presented in a foveal (‘attended’) peripheral (‘to-be-ignored’) paradigm (small image superimposed in the centre of a large image of the same category, but opposite valence) to investigate spatial parameters and limitations of attention. Results are interpreted as showing both valence and category specific effects of ‘to-be-ignored’ images in the periphery. These results are discussed in light of theories of the limitations of attentional capacity and the speed in which we process natural images, providing new evidence of the breadth of variety in the types of affective visual stimuli we are able to process close to the threshold of conscious perception.en
dc.description.sponsorshipEconomic and Social Research Council (ESRC)-
dc.format.extent3730945 bytes-
dc.publisherBrunel University, School of Social Sciences-
dc.subject.otherAmygdala; Anterior Cingulate Cortex; Medial Prefrontal Cortexen
dc.subject.otherDorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex; Orbitofrontal Cortex; Parahippocampusen
dc.subject.otherFusiform Gyrus; Insula; Superior Temporal Gyrus; consciousness; Attentionen
dc.subject.otherMasking; fMRIen
dc.titleEmotional processing of natural visual images in brief exposures and compound stimuli: fMRI and behavioural studiesen
Appears in Collections:Psychology
Dept of Life Sciences Theses

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