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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 31 to 80 of 150
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Fragmented Identities in selected novels by V.S. Naipaul and Toni Morrison: a postcolonial comparative approachMohamed Mohamed Ahmed, Alshaymaa
2020…a settling stillness, weighted dust… A portfolio of original compositions and commentaryCave, Samuel Charles
2019Mimetic rivalry in shared virtual environments: A study of conflict and imitation in World of WarcraftGoren, Eli
2019Mailer‘s ghost: the record of a careerForss, Alexis Wiktor
2019Ecstatic Space: NEO-KUT and shamanic technologies-
2019An investigation into the cinematic representation of hegemonic spaces in 1960s and 1970s Iranian Rural FilmsSadeghi-Esfahlani, Asefeh
2019Quantum Music – Towards a unified aestheticBell, Adam
2019A new framework for rethinking love between women: the development of lesbian narrative in Irish women’s writing, 1801 – 2017Charczun, Anna
2019An existentialist frame for singing and singing teachingClethero, Sara
2019Performing agonism: democracy in crisis and the project of autonomy in art’s social turnMakka, Louiza
2018Wonder, grain, silence and notation: Commentary on a portfolio of compositionsBrignall, Oliver
2018Re-reading women’s patronage: The Cavendish/Talbot/Ogle CircleWheeler, Collette
2017Introducing neo-surrealism: The social science of performance artPuentes, Kalid
2018The return to Darwin in the contemporary British novel: An evolutionary response to postmodernism and social constructivismAbdulwahab, Hussain
2018A critical reflection on the conceptual and legal foundations of the duty to prevent tortureRenzulli, I
2018If self-publishing represents a vital, resistive addition to the literary field due to its democratisation of the publishing process and, crucially, the manner in which it empowers new authorial voices and character representation, what are the implications for high fantasy authors and the publishing industry?Dillon-Lee, Faith
2017A pluralistic spectrum of the mimeticFlett, Graham
2017Sangoma boyPenny, Sarah
2018Stay hungry, stay choosy: a dystopian novel based on insights from critical ethnographic research on the overeducated and underemployed in Italy and the United KingdomBuciu, Felicia Catalina
2017Becoming indiscernible: from bare life to female machines. A study of the philosophy of Agamben and Deleuze in the space of science fictionCox, Emily Venetia
2016Europe after the rain: Alan Burns and the post-war avant-gardeDevaney, Kieran John Michael
2017Towards hypertextual music: digital audio, deconstruction and computer music creationBritton, Sam
2017The performance of breathlessness on the pageWorden, Jessica
2017A critical review of four novels: Hitman, The Fixer, Baptism and SacrificeKinnings, Max
2016Unpacking the industrial, cultural and historical contexts of Doctor Who's fan-producersAdams, Mark Richard
2011Hacking traditional instruments: approaches to sound-oriented instrumental compositionMorales Murguía, Hugo
2014The professional officer class in post-war cinema – or how British films learned to stop worrying and love the affluent societyRoberts, Andrew
2017The culture of ‘the Culture’: utopian processes in Iain M. Banks’s space opera seriesNorman, Joseph S
2013Playing against the grain: Rhetorics of counterplay in console based first-person shooter videogames.Meades, Alan Frederick
2014Has the fire burned out? New Labour and the end of British Social RealismNwonka, Clive, James
2014A linguistic analysis of Francis Bacon's contribution to three Shakespeare plays: the comedy of errors, love's labour's lost, and the tempestClarke, Barry R
2011Towards a new aesthetic in contemporary instrumental ensemble, vocal and chamber opera compositionThompson, Shirley J
2015Shakespearean biografiction: how modern biographers rely on context, conjecture and inference to construct a life of the BardKevin, Gilvary
2015Factions and class fictions: investigating narratives of resistance in representations of lower-class men in post-War British literature in the New Wave & Thatcherite years & If I’m ever to find these trees meaningful I must have you by the thighs: a collection of poemsSmith, Wayne
2014After Postmodernism: Contemporary theory and fictionTsoulou, Martha
2015Digital performance: how representations of physical and virtual bodies inform identity construction/deconstructionRen, Helenna
2016The Gift of Death, or, Beyond the Beneficent Spider: A novel & associated critical expositionTew, Philip
2014Communicative semiotics in everyday life (Cultural criticism – the image in the 21st century)Fidouh, Dalel
2016Trajectories, thresholds, transformations: Coming of age in classic modern fantasy fictionErsoy, Gozde
2015The representation of the Iraq War in selected Anglo-American and Iraqi novelsMohammed, Pshtiwan Faraj
2015'Liberties and licences': gender, stream of consciousness and the philosophy of Henri Bergson and William James in selected female modernist fiction 1914-1929Saeed, Alan Ali
2015Early screenwriting teachers 1910-1922: Origins, contribution and legacyCurran, Stephen Charles
2016From virtuoso solo to ensemble operaTafreshipour, Amir Mahyar
2016Paradigms, perspectives and participation: reconceptualising amateur orchestras as unique socio-musical communities of practiceArrowsmith, James Donald
2015A critical review of four novels by Celia Brayfield considering their production and impact in the context of contemporary literatureBrayfield, Celia
2015Composing with an expanded instrumental paletteMcGuire, Paul
2015News values in online and visual data journalismDick, Murray
2015From buddy movie to bromanceVaughan, Nicola
2014Collaborative computer music composition and the emergence of the computer music designerFaia-Harrison, Carl
2015A portfolio of compositions with commentaryMuenz, Harald
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 31 to 80 of 150