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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 151 to 200 of 1092
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
29-Dec-2018Some examples of Calabi-Yau pairs with maximal intersection and no toric modelKaloghiros, A-S
2019Analysis of Boundary-Domain Integral Equations for Variable-Coefficient Mixed BVP in 2DAyele, TG; Dufera, TT; Mikhailov, S
28-Jul-2020A high frequency boundary element method for scattering by a class of multiple obstaclesGibbs, A; Chandler-Wilde, S; Langdon, S; Moiola, A
1-Apr-2015A finite difference moving mesh method based on conservation for moving boundary problemsLee, TE; Baines, MJ; Langdon, S
21-Jun-2014A high frequency boundary element method for scattering by a class of nonconvex obstaclesChandler-Wilde, SN; Hewett, DP; Langdon, S; Twigger, A
16-Oct-2014A frequency-independent boundary element method for scattering by two-dimensional screens and aperturesHewett, DP; Langdon, S; Chandler-Wilde, SN
2-Mar-2016A transformation approach for efficient evaluation of oscillatory surface integrals arising in three-dimensional boundary element methodsHargreaves, JA; Lam, YW; Langdon, S
5-Dec-2018Replication of Wiener-Transformable Stochastic Processes with Application to Financial Markets with MemoryBoguslavskaya, E; Mishura, Y; Shevchenko, G
27-Dec-2017A hybrid numerical–asymptotic boundary element method for high frequency scattering by penetrable convex polygonsGroth, SP; Hewett, DP; Langdon, S
2019Modelling Tails for Collinear Data with Outliers in the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing: Quantile Profile RegressionLiu, X; Siverani, S; Yu, K; Smith, KJ
3-Mar-2020Statistics of a simple transmission mode on a lossy chaotic backgroundSavin, DV
8-Sep-2017Varifold-based matching of curves via sobolev-type riemannian metricsBauer, M; Bruveris, M; Charon, N; Møller-Andersen, J
10-Oct-2019Stable spike clusters on a compact two-dimensional Riemannian manifoldAo, W; Wei, J; Winter, M
31-May-2020Exact Simulation of Truncated Levy SubordinatorDassios, A; Lim, JW; Qu, Y
21-May-2020Azéma martingales for Bessel and CIR processes and the pricing of Parisian zero-coupon bondsDassios, A; Wei Lim, J; Qu, Y
2017Completeness of Length-Weighted Sobolev Metrics on the Space of CurvesBruveris, M; Møller-Andersen, J
10-Aug-2018Moser’s theorem on manifolds with cornersBruveris, M; Michor, PW; Parusiński, A; Rainer, A
2019The effect of interfirm financial transactions on the credit risk of small and medium-sized enterprisesVinciotti, V; Tosetti, E; Moscone, F; Lycett, M
20-Jun-2019Wave impacts on structures with rectangular geometries: Part 2 decks, baffles and seawalls with impermeable or porous surfacesMd Noar, NAZ; Elliott-Sands, M; Greenhow, M
23-Apr-2018An effective mixed-model for screening differentially expressed genes of breast cancer based on LR-RFYu, K
16-Jun-2015An analytical solution for the two-sided Parisian stopping time, its asymptotics, and the pricing of Parisian optionsDassios, A; Lim, JW
Jul-2019Exact simulation of generalised Vervaat perpetuitiesWei Lim, J; Dassios, A; Qu, Y
29-Dec-2015Utility maximization in Wiener-transformable marketsBoguslavskaya, E; Mishura, Y
6-Jan-2015Penalised inference for autoregressive moving average models with time-dependent predictorsHaselimashhadi, H; Vinciotti, V
2019Boundary-domain integral equations for variable coefficient Dirichlet BVP in 2D unbounded domainDufera, TT; Mikhailov, S
6-Jun-2019Multilevel logistic cluster-weighted model for outcome evaluation in health careBerta, P; Vinciotti, V
6-Dec-2016An explicit solution for optimal investment in Heston modelBoguslavskaya, E; Muravey, D
2019Forecasting Crude Oil Futures Prices Using Global Macroeconomic News SentimentDate, P; Sadik, Z
15-May-2016The Sarkisov program for Mori fibred Calabi-Yau pairsCorti, A; Kaloghiros, A-S
2016Elements of Pólya-Schur theory in the finite difference settingBrändén, P; Krasikov, I; Shapiro, B
25-Sep-2015Smallest state spaces for which bipartite entangled quantum states are separableAnwar, H; Jevtic, S; Rudolph, O; Virmani, S
28-Jul-2018Uniformly asymptotic normality of sample quantiles estimator for linearly negative quadrant dependent samplesJiang, R; Yu, K; Zhang, T
6-Oct-2017Predicting gene expression from genome wide protein binding profilesFerdous, MM; Bao, Y; Vinciotti, V; Liu, X; Wilson, P
1-Jan-2019Achieving flatness: Honeywords generation method for passwords based on user behavioursAkif, OZ; Sabeeh, AF; Rodgers, GJ; Al-Raweshidy, HS
1-Jul-2019Origin Preserving Path Formulation for Multiparameter Z<sub>2</sub>-Equivariant Corank 2 Bifurcation ProblemsFurter, JE
2019The critical Barkhausen avalanches in thin random-field ferromagnets with an open boundaryRodgers, GJ; Tadic, B; Mijatovic, S; Janicevic, S; Spasojevic, D
15-Feb-2019Newtonian and single layer potentials for the Stokes system with L^∞ coefficients and the exterior Dirichlet problemKohr, M; Mikhailov, SE; Wendland, WL
3-Jul-2019Potentials and transmission problems in weighted Sobolev spaces for anisotropic Stokes and Navier-Stokes systems with $L_{\infty}$ strongly elliptic coefficient tensorKohr, M; Mikhailov, SE; Wendland, WL
1-Sep-2019Analysis of Boundary-Domain Integral Equations to the Mixed BVP for a Compressible Stokes System with Variable ViscosityFresneda-Portillo, C; Mikhailov, SE
2017A heuristic hybrid framework for vector job schedulingAmaldass, N; Lucas, C; Mladenovic, N
2019A computationally efficient correlated mixed probit model for credit risk inferenceTosetti, E; Vinciotti, V
31-Jan-2019SERS-based detection of haptoglobin in ovarian cyst fluid as a point-of-care diagnostic assay for epithelial ovarian cancerPerumal, J; Mahyuddin, AP; Balasundaram, G; Goh, D; Fu, CY; Kazakeviciute, A; Dinish, US; Choolani, M; Olivo, M
19-Dec-2018Consistency of logistic classifier in abstract Hilbert spacesKazakeviciute, A; Olivo, M
-Do pay-for-performance incentives lead to a better health outcome?Peluso, A; Berta, P; Vinciotti, V
2019SERS-based detection of haptoglobin in ovarian cyst fluid as a point-of-care diagnostic assay for epithelial ovarian cancerPerumal, J; Mahyuddin, AP; Balasundaram, G; Goh, D; Fu, CY; Kazakeviciute, A; Dinish, US; Choolani, M; Olivo, M
2016A study of logistic classifier: uniform consistency in finite-dimensional linear spacesKazakeviciute, A; Olivo, M
2018Search for dark matter produced in association with a Higgs boson decaying to γγ or τ <sup>+</sup> τ <sup>−</sup> at √s=13 TeVSirunyan, AM; Tumasyan, A; Adam, W; Ambrogi, F; Asilar, E; Bergauer, T; Brandstetter, J; Dragicevic, M; Erö, J; Escalante Del Valle, A; Flechl, M; Frühwirth, R; Ghete, VM; Hrubec, J; Jeitler, M; Krammer, N; Krätschmer, I; Liko, D; Madlener, T; Mikulec, I; Rad, N; Rohringer, H; Schieck, J; Schöfbeck, R; Spanring, M; Spitzbart, D; Taurok, A; Waltenberger, W; Wittmann, J; Wulz, CE; Zarucki, M; Chekhovsky, V; Mossolov, V; Suarez Gonzalez, J; De Wolf, EA; Di Croce, D; Janssen, X; Lauwers, J; Pieters, M; Van De Klundert, M; Van Haevermaet, H; Van Mechelen, P; Van Remortel, N; Abu Zeid, S; Blekman, F; D Hondt, J; De Bruyn, I; De Clercq, J; Deroover, K; Flouris, G; Lontkovskyi, D; Lowette, S; Marchesini, I; Moortgat, S; Moreels, L; Python, Q; Skovpen, K; Tavernier, S; Van Doninck, W; Van Mulders, P; Van Parijs, I; Beghin, D; Bilin, B; Brun, H; Clerbaux, B; De Lentdecker, G; Delannoy, H; Dorney, B; Fasanella, G; Favart, L; Goldouzian, R; Grebenyuk, A; Kalsi, AK; Lenzi, T; Luetic, J; Postiau, N; Starling, E; Thomas, L; Vander Velde, C; Vanlaer, P; Vannerom, D; Wang, Q; Cornelis, T; Dobur, D; Fagot, A; Gul, M; Khvastunov, I; Poyraz, D; Roskas, C; Trocino, D; Tytgat, M; Verbeke, W; Vermassen, B; Vit, M; Zaganidis, N
3-Sep-2018Composite quantile regression for massive datasetsJiang, R; Hu, X; Yu, K; Qian, W
8-Feb-2018Binary Quantile Regression and Variable Selection: A new ApproachAristodemou, K; He, J; Yu, K
2013Quasi-optimal degree distribution for a quadratic programming problem arising from the p-version finite element method for a one-dimensional obstacle problemMaischak, M; Krebs, A; Stephan, EP
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 151 to 200 of 1092