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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 201 to 250 of 1095
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
3-Sep-2018Composite quantile regression for massive datasetsJiang, R; Hu, X; Yu, K; Qian, W
8-Feb-2018Binary Quantile Regression and Variable Selection: A new ApproachAristodemou, K; He, J; Yu, K
2013Quasi-optimal degree distribution for a quadratic programming problem arising from the p-version finite element method for a one-dimensional obstacle problemMaischak, M; Krebs, A; Stephan, EP
2017A branching process with fitnessSmolyarenko, I
2016Multispectral Photoacoustic Imaging Artifact Removal and Denoising Using Time Series Model-Based Spectral Noise EstimationKazakeviciute, A; Ho, CJH; Olivo, M
2018Identification of mycolic acid forms using surface-enhanced Raman scattering as a fast detection method for tuberculosisKazakeviciute, A; Perumal, J; US, D; Bendt, AK; Fu, CY; Hao Ong, IL; Olivo, M
2018Wigner-Smith time-delay matrix in chaotic cavities with non-ideal contactsGrabsch, A; Savin, DV; Texier, C
19-Sep-2018Theoretically optimal forms for very long span bridges under gravity loadingFairclough, HE; Gilbert, M; Pichugin, A; Tyas, A; Firth, I
2018Singular Localised Boundary-Domain Integral Equations of Acoustic Scattering by Inhomogeneous Anisotropic ObstacleChkadua, O; Mikhailov, SE; Natroshvili, D
2018Discrete Weibull generalised additive model: an application to count fertility dataYu, K; Vinciotti, V
2018Analysis of segregated boundary-domain integral equations for BVPs with non-smooth coefficients on Lipschitz domainsMikhailov, SE
20-Jun-2018Composite wave models for elastic platesErbaş, B; Kaplunov, J; Nolde, E; Palsü, M
2018Improved local quantile regressionLiu, X; Yu, K; Xu, Q; Tang, X
2018Envelope and phase distribution of a resonance transmission through a complex environmentSavin, DV
2018ALM models based on second order stochastic dominanceAlwohaibi, M; Roman, D
13-Jun-2018An asymptotic higher-order theory for rectangular beamsNolde, E; Pichugin, AV; Kaplunov, J
2017Analysis of Boundary-Domain Integral Equations for Variable-Coefficient Neumann BVP in 2DDufera, TT; Mikhailov, S
2018The Application of Group Theory in Communication Operation Pipeline SystemKang, J; Xiong, F; Zhang, J
2017Fractional Sobolev Metrics on Spaces of Immersed CurvesBauer, M; Bruveris, M; Kolev, B
2017Fluctuations and correlations in scattering on a resonance coupled to a chaotic backgroundSavin, DV
2017Fluctuations in an established transmission in the presence of a complex environmentSavin, DV; Kuhl, U; Legrand, O; Mortessagne, F; Richter, M
20-Sep-2017Fluctuations in an established transmission in the presence of a complex environmentSavin, DV; Richter, M; Kuhl, U; Legrand, O; Mortessagne, F
2016Stable spike clusters for the precursor Gierer-Meinhardt system in R2Winter, M; Wei, J; Yang, W
2017On the mixed problem for the semilinear Darcy-Forchheimer-Brinkman PDE system in Besov spaces on creased Lipschitz domainsGutt, R; Kohr, M; Mikhailov, SE; Wedland, WL
28-Jun-2018Stable boundary spike clusters for the two-dimensional Gierer-Meinhardt systemAo, W; Wei, J; Winter, M
2017A novel Bayesian regression model for counts with an application to health dataYu, K; Haselimashhadia, H; Vinciotti, V
2017Invited discussion by the Editor-in-ChiefYu, K; Dang, W; Zhu, H; Al-Hamzawi, R
2010Kernel quantile-based estimation of expected shortfallYU, K; Allay, A; Yang, S; Hand, D
2016Geometry of the Fisher-Rao metric on the space of smooth densities on a compact manifoldBruveris, M; Michor, PW
2017Normal voice processing after posterior superior temporal sulcus lesionJiahui, G; Garrido, L; Liu, R; Susilo, T; Barton, J; Duchaine, B
2017Hamiltonian for the zeros of the Riemann zeta functionBrody, DC; Bender, CM; Müller, MP
2014Solving optimal stopping problems for Lévy processes in infinite horizon via $A$-transformBoguslavskaya, E
2016A minimum variance filter for continuous discrete systems with additive-multiplicative noiseAllahyani, S; Date, P
2017Novel approaches for portfolio construction using second order stochastic dominanceRoman, D; Arbex Valle, C; Mitra, G
2017Preface to the themed issue on statistical network science and its applicationsVinciotti, V; Wit, E
2016Optimal whitening and decorrelationKessey, A; Lewin, A; Strimmer, K
2017On the frequency distribution of neutral particles from low-energy strong interactionsColecchia, F; khan, A
2016A principal component meta-analysis on multiple anthropometric traits identifies novel loci for body shapeRied, JS; Jeff M, J; Chu, AY; Bragg-Gresham, JL; van Dongen, J; Huffman, JE; Ahluwalia, TS; Cadby, G; Eklund, N; Eriksson, J; Esko, T; Stolk, RP; Strauch, K; Stringham, HM; Swertz, MA; Swift, AJ; Tönjes, A; Tsafantakis, E; van der Most, PJ; Van Vliet-Ostaptchouk, JV; Kristiansson, K; Homuth, G; Vandenput, L; Vartiainen, E; Venturini, C; Verweij, N; Viikari, JS; Vitart, V; Vohl, M-C; Vonk, JM; Waeber, G; Widén, E; Hottenga, J-J; Kutalik, Z; Willemsen, G; Wilsgaard, T; Winkler, TW; Wright, AF; Yerges-Armstrong, LM; Hua Zhao, J; Carola Zillikens, M; Boomsma, DI; Bouchard, C; Hui, J; Chambers, JC; Lahti, J; Chasman, DI; Cusi, D; Gansevoort, RT; Gieger, C; Hansen, T; Hicks, AA; Hu, F; Hveem, K; Husemoen, LL; Jarvelin, M-R; Kajantie, E; Luan, J; Kooner, JS; Kuh, D; Kuusisto, J; Laakso, M; Lakka, TA; Lehtimäki, T; Metspalu, A; Hysi, PG; Njølstad, I; Ohlsson, C; Oldehinkel, AJ; Mägi, R; Palmer, LJ; Pedersen, O; Perola, M; Peters, A; Psaty, BM; Puolijoki, H; Isaacs, A; Rauramaa, R; Rudan, I; Salomaa, V; Schwarz, PEH; Mahajan, A; Shudiner, AR; Smit, JH; Sørensen, TIA; Spector, TD; Stefansson, K; Ittermann, T; Stumvoll, M; Tremblay, A; Tuomilehto, J; Uitterlinden, AG; Uusitupa, M; Mangino, M; Völker, U; Vollenweider, P; Wareham, NJ; Watkins, H; Jalilzadeh, S; Wilson, JF; Zeggini, E; Abecasis, GR; Boehnke, M; Borecki, IB; Deloukas, P; Medina-Gomez, C; van Duijn, CM; Fox, C; Groop, LC; James, AL; Heid, IM; Hunter, DJ; Kaplan, RC; McCarthy, MI; North, KE; O'Connell, JR; Schlessinger, D; Monda, KL; Thorsteinsdottir, U; Strachan, DP; Jørgensen, T; Frayling, T; Hirschhorn, JN; Müller-Nurasyid, M; Loos, RJF; Nolte, IM; Pérusse, L; Prokopenko, I; Qi, L; Rose, LM; Salvi, E; Feitosa, MF; Smith, MT; Snieder, H; Stančáková, A; Ju Sung, Y; Tachmazidou, I; Teumer, A; Thorleifsson, G; van der Harst, P; Walker, RW; Wang, SR; Jousilahti, P; Wild, SH; Willems, SM; Wong, A; Zhang, W; Albrecht, E; Couto Alves, A; Bakker, SJL; Barlassina, C; Bartz, TM; Beilby, J; Jula, A; Bellis, C; Bergman, RN; Bergmann, S; Blangero, J; Blüher, M; Boerwinkle, E; Bonnycastle, LL; Bornstein, SR; Bruinenberg, M; Campbell, H; Marie Justesen, J; Chen, Y-DI; Chiang, CWK; Chines, PS; Collins, FS; Cucca, F; Cupples, LA; D'Avila, F; de Geus, EJC; Dedoussis, G; Dimitriou, M; Justice, AE; Döring, A; Eriksson, JG; Farmaki, A-E; Farrall, M; Ferreira, T; Fischer, K; Forouhi, NG; Friedrich, N; Gjesing, AP; Glorioso, N; Kähönen, M; Graff, M; Grallert, H; Grarup, N; Gräßler, J; Grewal, J; Hamsten, A; Harder, MN; Hartman, CA; Hassinen, M; Hastie, N; Karaleftheri, M; Hattersley, AT; Havulinna, AS; Heliövaara, M; Hillege, H; Hofman, A; Holmen, O; Tee Khaw, K; Keinanen-Kiukaanniemi, SM; Kinnunen, L; Knekt, PB; Goel, A; Koistinen, HA; Kolcic, I; Kooner, IK; Koskinen, S; Kovacs, P; Kyriakou, T; Laitinen, T; Langenberg, C; Lewin, AM; Lichtner, P; Gorski, M; Lindgren, CM; Lindström, J; Linneberg, A; Lorbeer, R; Lorentzon, M; Luben, R; Lyssenko, V; Männistö, S; Manunta, P; Leach, IM; Hayward, C; McArdle, WL; Mcknight, B; Mohlke, KL; Mihailov, E; Milani, L; Mills, R; Montasser, ME; Morris, AP; Müller, G; Musk, AW; Heard-Costa, NL; Narisu, N; Ong, KK; Oostra, BA; Osmond, C; Palotie, A; Pankow, JS; Paternoster, L; Penninx, BW; Pichler, I; Pilia, MG; Jackson, AU; Polašek, O; Pramstaller, PP; Raitakari, OT; Rankinen, T; Rao, DC; Rayner, NW; Ribel-Madsen, R; Rice, TK; Richards, M; Ridker, PM; Jokinen, E; Rivadeneira, F; Ryan, KA; Sanna, S; Sarzynski, MA; Scholtens, S; Scott, RA; Sebert, S; Southam, L; Sparsø, TH; Steinthorsdottir, V; Kanoni, S; Stirrups, K
16-Jan-2017Repo-Man/PP1 regulates heterochromatin formation in interphasede Castro, IJ; Budzak, J; Di Giacinto, ML; Ligammari, L; Gokhan, E; Spanos, C; Moralli, D; Richardson, C; de las Heras, J; Salatino, S; Shirmer, E; Ullman, K; Bickmore, W; Rappsilber, J; Lamble, S; Golberg, M; Vinciotti, V; Vagnarelli, P
2016Thermodynamics of quantum heat bathBrody, DC; Hughston, LP
2016Statistical methods for body mass index: a selective reviewYu, K; Liu, X; Alhamzawi, R; Becker, F; Lord, J
2016Portfolio optimisation using risky assets with options as derivative insuranceMaasar, MA; Roman, D; Date, P
2016Inference on the Kumaraswamy distributionYu, K
2016Adaptive time domain boundary element methods and engineering applicationsGimperlein, H; Maischak, M; Stephan, E
2016A large CVaR-based portfolio selection model with weight constraintsXu, Q; Zhou, Y; Jiang, C; Yu, K; Niu, X
2017On zeros of the characteristic polynomial of matroids of bounded tree-widthChun, C; Hall, R; Merino, C; Noble, S
2017Computationally efficient sparse-grid Gauss-Hermite filteringRadhakrishnan, R; Singh, AK; Bhaumik, S; Date, P
2004Shapes of quantum statesBrody, DC
2005Twistor cosmology and quantum space-timeHughston, LP; Brody, DC
2016Geometric aspects of space-time reflection symmetry in quantum mechanicsBrody, DC; Bender, CM; Hughston, LP; Meister, BK
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 201 to 250 of 1095