Dept of Social and Political Sciences Embargoed Research Papers Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 50 of 103
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
14-Dec-2023Performance Art and Embodied Data Analysis in Arts-based Sociological Research on WhitenessHalász, K
17-Dec-2024From leprosy to ground zero: Imagining futures in a world of eliminationStaples, J
2025Food, Place, and Personhood in South India: The Limits of TerroirStaples, J
2025Proscription by Degrees: The Abolition of the Slave Trade to the United StatesMorgan, K
20-Jun-2024The Life and World of Francis Rodd, Lord Rennell (1895-1978): Geography, Money and WarHammond, R
6-Nov-2024KGB, GRU, FSB -- Intelligence Russa: passato, presente e futuroRiehle, K
2025Assassination and Information Operations in Palestine, 1917-48Wagner, S
2025Disabling Stories and Tales of Disability: Making Sense of Narratives in South IndiaStaples, J
2024Unleashing the Lion's Roar: A Grass-Roots Counter-Campaign and the Memorialisation of the 'Glorious' British EmpireDornan, I; Whittaker, H
2024Still ‘120,000 American ambassadors’?: Hollywood, the US Department of State and 21st century cultural diplomacyMoody, P
8-Jul-2024GlobalizationTwyman-Ghoshal, AA
9-Jul-2019International Maritime Bureau Piracy Reporting CenterTwyman-Ghoshal, AA
8-Jul-2019Terrorism, InternationalTwyman-Ghoshal, AA
8-Jul-2019UN Convention on the Law of the SeaTwyman-Ghoshal, AA
8-Jul-2019Sea PiracyTwyman-Ghoshal, AA
2024Diversifying the Restorative Sector: Lessons from PractitionersTwyman-Ghoshal, A; Hobson, J; Gregory, A; Aldington, C; Morris, M; Hare, A; Grant, F
8-Jul-2024The Ethics of Humour and ComedyLockyer, S; Weaver, S
2025Towards Abolition: The Final Years of the British Slave Trade, 1783-1807Morgan, K
2025Shipping in the Eighteenth-Century British Atlantic Slave Trade: A Quantitative StudyMorgan, K
22-Apr-2024The effects of wars: lessons from the war in UkraineBocquillon, P; Doyle, S; S. James, T; Mason, R; Park, S; Rosina, M
1-Mar-2024Black Metal Rainbows, Daniel Lukes and Stanimir Panayotov (eds) (2022), Designed by Jaci RaiaCoggins, O
19-Jan-2024Time for a Focus on Climate Change and HealthMarsland, R; Staples, J
2022Invasion, Liberation and Occupation: British Soldiers’ Wartime Encounters in SicilySimonetti, F
27-Mar-2024From plaster casts to picket lines: Public support for industrial action in the National Health Service in EnglandHansen, M; Pickering, SD
31-Oct-2023A Concise History of JamaicaMorgan, K
10-Jan-2024Race, racism and the geography curriculum <b>Race, racism and the geography curriculum</b> , by John Morgan and David Lambert, London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2023, x+185pp., E17.49 (paperback), ISBN 9781350336643Rai, R
18-Oct-2023From Brexit to Clexit?Petley, J
3-Nov-2023The post-racial myth: rethinking Chinese university students’ experiences and perceptions of racialised microaggressions in the UKYu, J; Rai, R; Lim, MA; Li, H
30-Apr-2024Beyond Victim-Centric Research: Participatory Action Research in a Trafficking ‘Hotspot’ of NepalBhagat, A
22-Aug-2023Foks, Freddy. Participant observers: anthropology, colonial development, and the reinvention of society in Britain. xiv, 263 pp., bibliogr. Oakland: Univ. of California Press, 2023. £30.00 (paper)Hirsch, E
4-Sep-2023Waiting for KairosHirsch, E
Dec-2023Compliant Rule Bending: migrants’ encounters with Italian immigration bureaucracyTuckett, A
21-Jul-2023Methodological dilemmas or promises? The sociological imagination and globalizationPeyrefitte, M
12-Nov-2020Don't Mention the WarPetley, J
16-Aug-2023The politics of degrowthFleckenstein, P; Dale, G
8-Oct-2020Foxification: Just What a Divided Country Doesn't NeedPetley, J
11-Aug-2023Towards a theorization of racist humour and affect: Book Review of The Souls of White Jokes. How Racist Humor Fuels White Supremacy, by Raúl PérezWeaver, S
2024The provision and circulation of credit in the British Atlantic trading world, 1739-1776Morgan, KJ
15-Mar-2023In memoriam: Gáspár Miklós TamásDale, G
2023The FAN TAN File: Quebec Separatism and Security Service Resistance to Politicization 1971-72Molinaro, DG; Davies, PHJ
23-May-2023How Britain Stirred the Cauldron of Conflict in PalestineHughes, M
15-May-2023Marx in the Anthropocene: Towards the Idea of Degrowth CommunismDale, G
2023Review of "Memory Culture in Central and Eastern Europe: The engagement with National Socialism and Communism in comparative perspective"Dale, G
22-Feb-2023Making up leprosy in IndiaStaples, J
30-Mar-2023Bhikhu ParekhUberoi, V
26-Jan-2023The Great TransformationDale, G
20-Feb-2023The Technocratic Socialism of Otto NeurathDale, G
21-Oct-2022From Witchcraft to Satanism: Changing Imaginations and New Experiences in the South African LowveldNiehaus, I
1-Dec-2022Unpacking Communal Tensions in LeicesterStaples, J
5-Oct-2022Sustainability in the Ancient World: Sufficiency as a Strategy of Aristocratic HegemonyDale, G
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 50 of 103