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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 151 to 200 of 3197
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
19-Mar-2024Exploring the Role of Platelets in Virus-Induced Inflammatory Demyelinating Disease and MyocarditisAhmad, I; Omura, S; Sato, F; Park, A-M; Khadka, S; Gavins, FNE; Tanaka, H; Kimura, MY; Tsunoda, I
5-Apr-2024Assessment of human dermal absorption of flame retardant additives in polyethylene and polypropylene microplastics using 3D human skin equivalent modelsAbafe, OA; Harrad, S; Abdallah, MA-E
8-Mar-2024Dreaming Characteristics in Non-Rapid Eye Movement Parasomnia and Idiopathic Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Behaviour Disorder: Similarities and DifferencesRaheel, K; Duncan, I; Biabani, N; Di Giulio, I; Romigi, A; Kumari, V; O’regan, D; Cairney, S; Urso, D; Ray Chaudhuri, K; Gnoni, V; Drakatos, P; Rosenzweig, I
15-Nov-2022Haemogenic Gastruloids Recapitulate Developmental Haematopoiesis and Provide an Ontogeny-Relevant Context to Dissect the Origins of Infant LeukemiaRagusa, D; Suen, C-W; Torregrosa, G; Dijkhuis, L; Byrne, C; Balayo, T; Tavosanis, A; Durko, J; Place, K; Domingues, AF; Kranc, K; Garcia-Ojalvo, J; Martinez Arias, A; Pina, C
26-Mar-2024IQGAP1 and NWASP promote human cancer cell dissemination and metastasis by regulating β1-integrin via FAK and MRTF/SRFCerutti, C; Lucotti, S; Menendez, ST; Reymond, N; Garg, R; Romero, IA; Muschel, R; Ridley, AJ
13-May-2024An improved genome editing system for SphingomonadaceaeGarcía-Romero, I; de Dios, R; Reyes-Ramírez, F
5-Jun-2020The Role of Dopamine in the Stimulant Characteristics of Novel Psychoactive Substances (NPS)—Neurobiological and Computational Assessment Using the Case of Desoxypipradrol (2-DPMP)Loi, B; Sahai, MA; De Luca, MA; Shiref, H; Opacka-Juffry, J
19-Mar-2024Both identity and non-identity face perception tasks predict developmental prosopagnosia and face recognition abilityBennetts, RJ; Gregory, NJ; Bate, S
26-Mar-2024The assessment of executive function abilities in healthy and neurodegenerative aging—A selective literature review.Idowu, MI; Szameitat, AJ; Parton, A
22-Mar-2024Editorial: Gastropoda immunity and host-pathogen interactionsBridger, JM; Knight, M
27-Apr-2024Effect of MYC and PARP Inhibitors in Ovarian Cancer Using an In Vitro ModelMorea, A; Saravi, S; Sisu, C; Hall, M; Tosi, S; Karteris, E; Storlazzi, CT
22-Jan-2024Into the purple ocean: The formation and dynamics of a transcultural fandom as a result of cultural diffusion through K-popNewton, D; Ferenczi, N
22-Dec-2021Microgravity and space radiation inhibit autophagy in human capillary endothelial cells, through either opposite or synergistic effects on specific molecular pathwaysBarravecchia, I; De Cesari, C; Forcato, M; Scebba, F; Pyankova, O; Bridger, J; Foster, H; Signore, G; Borghini, A; Andreassi, M; Andreazzoli, M; Bicciato, S; Pè, M; Angeloni, D
16-Feb-2024Changes in social norms during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic across 43 countriesSzekely, A; Guido, A; Gelfand, M; Abernathy, J; Arikan, G; Aycan, Z; Bankar, S; Barrera, D; Basnight-Brown, D; Belaus, A; Berezina, E; Blumen, S; Boski, P; Bui, HTT; Cárdenas, JC; Čekrlija, Đ; de Barra, M; de Zoysa, P; Dorrough, A; Engelmann, JB; Euh, H; Fiedler, S; Foster-Gimbel, O; Freitas, G; Fülöp, M; Gardarsdottir, RB; Gill, CMHD; Glöckner, A; Graf, S; Grigoryan, A; Growiec, K; Hashimoto, H; Hopthrow, T; Hřebíčková, M; Imada, H; Kamijo, Y; Kapoor, H; Kashima, Y; Khachatryan, N; Kharchenko, N; León, D; Leslie, LM; Li, Y; Liik, K; Liuzza, MT; Maitner, AT; Mamidi, P; McArdle, M; Medhioub, I; Teixeira, MLM; Mentser, S; Morales, F; Narayanan, J; Nitta, K; Nussinson, R; Onyedire, NG; Onyishi, IE; Osin, E; Özden, S; Panagiotopoulou, P; Pereverziev, O; Perez-Floriano, LR; Pirttilä-Backman, AM; Pogosyan, M; Raver, J; Reyna, C; Rodrigues, RB; Romanò, S; Romero, PP; Sakki, I; Sánchez, A; Sherbaji, S; Simpson, B; Spadoni, L; Stamkou, E; Travaglino, GA; Van Lange, PAM; Winata, FF; Zein, RA; Zhang, QP; Eriksson, K
7-Apr-2018Mechanistic insights into the stimulant properties of novel psychoactive substances (Nps) and their discrimination by the dopamine transporter—in silico and in vitro exploration of dissociative diarylethylaminesSahai, MA; Davidson, C; Dutta, N; Opacka-Juffry, J
1-May-2016A MAPK-Driven Feedback Loop Suppresses Rac Activity to Promote RhoA-Driven Cancer Cell InvasionHetmanski, JHR; Zindy, E; Schwartz, JM; Caswell, PT
19-Feb-2024Graphene oxide activates canonical TGFβ signalling in a human chondrocyte cell line <i>via</i> increased plasma membrane tensionOgene, L; Woods, S; Hetmanski, J; Lozano, N; Karakasidi, A; Caswell, PT; Kostarelos, K; Domingos, MAN; Vranic, S; Kimber, SJ
2-Dec-2016Modelling GTPase dynamics to understand rhoa-driven cancer cell invasionHetmanski, JHR; Schwartz, JM; Caswell, PT
21-Jul-2021Intracellular nanovesicles mediate α5β1 integrin trafficking during cell migrationLarocque, G; Moore, DJ; Sittewelle, M; Kuey, C; Hetmanski, JHR; La-Borde, PJ; Wilson, BJ; Clarke, NI; Caswell, PT; Royle, SJ
13-Mar-2024Exploring the contribution of lifestyle to the impact of education on the risk of cancer through Mendelian randomization analysisZagkos, L; Schwinges, A; Amin, HA; Dovey, T; Drenos, F
10-Mar-2021Combinatorial mathematical modelling approaches to interrogate rear retraction dynamics in 3D cell migrationHetmanski, JHR; Jones, MC; Chunara, F; Schwartz, J-M; Caswell, PT
31-Jan-2024Hunter-Gatherer Children’s Close-Proximity Networks: Similarities and differences with cooperative and communal breeding systems.Chaudhary, N; Page, AE; Salali, GD; Dyble, M; Major-Smith, D; Migliano, AB; Vinicius, L; Thompson, J; Viguier, S
12-Feb-2024Women's subsistence strategies predict fertility across cultures, but context mattersPage, AE; Ringen, EJ; Koster, J; Borgerhoff Mulder, M; Kramer, K; Shenk, MK; Stieglitz, J; Starkweather, K; Ziker, JP; Boyette, AH; Colleran, H; Moya, C; Du, J; Mattison, SM; Greaves, R; Sum, C-Y; Liu, R; Lew-Levy, S; Kiabiya Ntamboudila, F; Prall, S; Towner, MC; Blumenfield, T; Migliano, AB; Major-Smith, D; Dyble, M; Salali, GD; Chaudhary, N; Derkx, IE; Ross, CT; Scelza, BA; Gurven, MD; Winterhalder, BP; Cortez, C; Pacheco-Cobos, L; Schacht, R; Macfarlan, SJ; Leonetti, D; French, JC; Alam, N; Zohora, FT; Kaplan, HS; Hooper, PL; Sear, R
19-Mar-2024Piplartine eliminates CD34+ AML stem/progenitor cells by inducing oxidative stress and suppressing NF-κB signallingRodrigues, ACBdaC; Silva, SLR; Dias, IRSB; Costa, RGA; Oliveira, MDS; Soares, MBP; Dias, RB; Valverde, LF; Rocha, CAG; Johnson, EM; Pina, C; Bezerra, DP
7-Mar-2024Anger and disgust shape judgments of social sanctions across cultures, especially in high individual autonomy societiesAndersson, PA; Vartanova, I; Västfjäll, D; Tinghög, G; Strimling, P; Wu, J; Hazin, I; Akotia, CS; Aldashev, A; Andrighetto, G; Anum, A; Arikan, G; Bagherian, F; Barrera, D; Basnight-Brown, D; Batkeyev, B; Berezina, E; Björnstjerna, M; Boski, P; Bovina, I; Huyen, BTT; Čekrlija, Đ; Choi, H-S; Contreras-Ibáñez, CC; Costa-Lopes, R; de Barra, M; de Zoysa, P; Dorrough, AR; Dvoryanchikov, N; Engelmann, JB; Euh, H; Fang, X; Fiedler, S; Foster-Gimbel, OA; Fülöp, M; Gardarsdottir, RB; Gill, CMHD; Glöckner, A; Graf, S; Grigoryan, A; Gritskov, V; Growiec, K; Halama, P; Hartanto, A; Hopthrow, T; Hřebíčková, M; Iliško, D; Imada, H; Kapoor, H; Kawakami, K; Khachatryan, N; Kharchenko, N; Kiyonari, T; Kohút, M; Leslie, LM; Li, Y; Li, NP; Li, Z; Liik, K; Maitner, AT; Manhique, B; Manley, H; Medhioub, I; Mentser, S; Nejat, P; Nipassa, O; Nussinson, R; Onyedire, NG; Onyishi, IE; Panagiotopoulou, P; Perez-Floriano, LR; Persson, M; Pirttilä-Backman, A-M; Pogosyan, M; Raver, J; Rodrigues, RB; Romanò, S; Romero, PP; Sakki, I; San Martin, A; Sherbaji, S; Shimizu, H; Simpson, B; Szabo, E; Takemura, K; Teixeira, MLM; Thanomkul, N; Tiliouine, H; Travaglino, GA; Tsirbas, Y; Widodo, S; Zein, R; Zirganou-Kazolea, L; Eriksson, K
21-Feb-2024Annexins-a family of proteins with distinctive tastes for cell signaling and membrane dynamicsGerke, V; Gavins, FNE; Geisow, M; Grewal, T; Jaiswal, JK; Nylandsted, J; Rescher, U
2-Jun-2011Quantifying water-mediated protein-ligand interactions in a glutamate receptor: A DFT studySahai, MA; Biggin, PC
26-Sep-2023Editorial: Breastfeeding: a sociological reflection on new mothers' wellbeingEarle, S; Spiro, A
17-Nov-2023Testing central auditory processing abilities in older adults with and without dementia using the consonant-vowel dichotic listening taskLittlejohn, J; Blackburn, DJ; Venneri, A
30-Nov-2023Aesthetic preference in the production of image sequencesMonroy, E; Orgs, G; Sagiv, N
16-Jan-2024Editorial: Insights in neurocognitive aging and behavior: 2022Nielson, KA; Venneri, A; Murakami, S
22-Jan-2024Editorial: Sex differences in aging: a cognitive and behavioral perspectiveVenneri, A; Ruano Caballero, D; Rajagopal, L
26-Feb-2024Editorial: Rising stars in neuropsychology 2021Mitolo, M; Smirni, D; De Marco, M; Canessa, N; Palermo, S
5-Feb-2024Efficacy and safety of autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplantation versus alemtuzumab, ocrelizumab, ofatumumab or cladribine in relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis (StarMS): protocol for a randomised controlled trialBrittain, G; Petrie, J; Duffy, KEM; Glover, R; Hullock, K; Papaioannou, D; Roldan, E; Beecher, C; Bursnall, M; Ciccarelli, O; Coles, AJ; Cooper, C; Giovannoni, G; Gabriel, I; Kazmi, M; Kyriakou, C; Nicholas, R; Paling, D; Peniket, A; Scolding, N; Silber, E; de Silva, T; Venneri, A; Walters, SJ; Young, C; Muraro, PA; Sharrack, B; Snowden, JA
23-Feb-2024Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory (HSAM): A Systematic ReviewTalbot, J; Convertino, G; De Marco, M; Venneri, A; Mazzoni, G
28-Feb-2024Tackling physical inactivity and inequalities: implementing a whole systems approach to transform community provision for disabled people and people with long-term health conditionsPettican, A; Southall-Edwards, R; Reinhardt, GY; Gladwell, V; Freeman, P; Low, W; Copeland, R; Mansfield, L
23-Feb-2024Expression of the checkpoint kinase BUB1 is a predictor of response to cancer therapiesCicirò, Y; Ragusa, D; Sala, A
17-Feb-2024Alterations in Genome Organization in Lymphoma Cell Nuclei due to the Presence of the t(14;18) TranslocationGarimberti, E; Federico, C; Ragusa, D; Bruno, F; Saccone, S; Bridger, JM; Tosi, S
6-Feb-2024Intergenerational effects of ionizing radiation: review of recent studies from human data (2018–2021)Amrenova, A; Baudin, C; Ostroumova, E; Stephens, J; Anderson, R; Laurier, D
9-Feb-2024A systematic review of human evidence for the intergenerational effects of exposure to ionizing radiationStephens, J; Moorhouse, A; Craenen, K; Schroeder, E; Drenos, F; Anderson, R
19-Feb-2024Using genetics to investigate the association between lanosterol and cataractHashimi, M; Amin, HA; Zagkos, L; Day, AC; Drenos, F
10-Feb-2024The association between childhood trauma and emotion recognition is reduced or eliminated when controlling for alexithymia and psychopathy traitsCooper, H; Jennings, BJ; Kumari, V; Willard, AK; Bennetts, RJ
14-Sep-2012Dysfunctional telomeres in primary cells from Fanconi anemia FANCD2 patientsJoksic, I; Vujic, D; Guc-Scekic, M; Leskovac, A; Petrovic, S; Ojani, M; Trujillo, JP; Surralles, J; Zivkovic, M; Stankovic, A; Slijepcevic, P; Joksic, G
4-Mar-2023Pesticides at brain borders: Impact on the blood-brain barrier, neuroinflammation, and neurological risk trajectoriesCresto, N; Forner-Piquer, I; Baig, A; Chatterjee, M; Perroy, J; Goracci, J; Marchi, N
30-Jan-2024Disruption of the thyroid hormone system and patterns of altered thyroid hormones after gestational chemical exposures in rodents – a systematic reviewForner-Piquer, I; Baig, AH; Kortenkamp, A
5-Feb-2024Cognitive and Mental Health Trajectories of COVID-19: Role of Hospitalisation and Long-COVID SymptomsVakani, K; Ratto, M; Sandford-James, A; Antonova, E; Kumari, V
19-Jan-2024Editorial: Objective and measurable predictors of violence risk and outcome among forensic patients with psychosisSen, P; Kumari, V
19-Jan-2024NfL reliability across laboratories, stage-dependent diagnostic performance and matrix comparability in genetic FTD: a large GENFI studyLinnemann, C; Wilke, C; Mengel, D; Zetterberg, H; Heller, C; Kuhle, J; Bouzigues, A; Russell, LL; Foster, PH; Ferry-Bolder, E; Van Swieten, JC; Jiskoot, LC; Seelaar, H; Moreno, F; Borroni, B; Sánchez-Valle, R; Galimberti, D; Laforce, R; Graff, C; Masellis, M; Tartaglia, MC; Rowe, JB; Finger, E; Vandenberghe, R; de Mendonca, A; Butler, CR; Gerhard, A; Ducharme, S; Ber, ILE; Tiraboschi, P; Santana, I; Pasquier, F; Levin, J; Otto, M; Sorbi, S; Rohrer, JD; Synofzik, M
26-Jan-2024Cross-adaptation from heat stress to hypoxia: A systematic review and exploratory meta-analysisWillmott, AGB; Diment, AG; Chung, HC; James, CA; Maxwell, NS; Roberts, JD; Gibson, OR
6-Feb-2024The neuroanatomy of visual extinction following right hemisphere brain damage: Insights from multivariate and Bayesian lesion analyses in acute strokeSperber, C; Wiesen, D; Karnath, H-O; de Haan, B
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 151 to 200 of 3197