Dept of Mathematics Theses Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 50 of 137
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Predicting directions of S&P 500 using AI & ML modelsSakaria, Suraj
2024Asymmetric heavy-tailed robust loss function for regression, regularisation and fast computationSoomro, Sanna
2024New Bayesian regression models for massive data and extreme longitudinal dataChu, Yuanqi
2023Classical simulation of restricted cluster state quantum circuitsGarn, Michael
2023Taking shape: The data science of elastic shape analysis with practical applicationsSalili-James, Arianna
2022Efficient classical simulation of a variant of cluster state quantum computationAtallah, Sahar
2020Locating the source of an acoustic wave equation using likelihood estimates from the kalman filter applied to surface readingsElliott-Sands, Matthew Peter Francis
2020Reversibility, Equivariance and Bifurcations of Mixed Functional Differential EquationsMbuyongha, Fidelis S.
2020Spatially Continuous and Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Approximations for Dynamic Viscoelastic ProblemsJang, Yongseok
2019Metaheuristic approach for solving scheduling and financial derivative problemsLawrance Amaldass, Nareyus I
2018A hybrid approach for solving mixed binary integer programming problemsMat Shariff, Mastura Binti
2019Risk minimisation using options and risky assetsMaasar, Mohd Azdi
2018An interactive business intelligence platform for generic optimization based DSS : illustrated with a supply chain management problemSwain, Ansuman
2018A metaheuristic ant colony optimization algorithm for symmetric and asymmetric traveling salesman problemsRaya, Lilysuriazna Binti
2018Statistical evaluation of quality in healthcareBerta, Paolo
2018Asset price and volatility forecasting using news sentimentSadik, Zryan
2018Boundary element analysis for convection-diffusion-reaction problems combining dual reciprocity and radial integration methodsAl-Bayati, Salam Adel
2018High performance computing for the discontinuous Galerkin methodsMukhamedov, Farukh
2018Modelling, dynamics and analysis of multi-species systems with prey refugeJawad, Shireen
2017Modelling the risk of underfunding in ALM modelsAlwohaibi, Maram
2017Contributions to filtering under randomly delayed observations and additive-multiplicative noiseAllahyani, Seham
2018Estimating errors in quantities of interest in the case of hyperelastic membrane deformationArgyridou, Eleni
2018Some new developments for quantile regressionLiu, Xi
2018The complexity of greedoid Tutte polynomialsKnapp, Christopher N.
2017Novel regression models for discrete responsePeluso, Alina
2017High-order in time discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods for linear wave equationsAl-Shanfari, Fatima
2017Data analysis for improved risk assessment in underground pipelinesAnes-Arteche, Francisco
2016Boundary-domain integral equation systems for the stokes system with variable viscosity and diffusion equation in inhomogeneous mediaFresneda-Portillo, Carlos
2017Discrete Weibull regression model for count dataKalktawi, Hadeel Saleh
2017Acoustic scattering in circular cylindrical shells: a modal approach based on a generalised orthogonality relationPullen, Ryan Michael
2017Novel regularization models for dynamic and discrete response dataHamed, Haseli Mashhadi
2014Discrete schemes for thermoviscoelasticity with thermorheologically-simple nonlinear couplingQirezi, Fatmir
2016Online assessment of graph theoryHatt, Justin Dale
2015Development and evaluation of computer-aided assessment in discrete and decision mathematicsZaczek, Kinga
2015Solving cardinality constrained portfolio optimisation problem using genetic algorithms and ant colony optimisationLi, Yibo
2014Complex networks with node intrinsic fitness: on structural properties and contagious phenomenaHoppe, Konrad
2014Stochastic models with random parameters for financial marketsIslyaev, Suren
2013Portfolio optimisation modelsArbex Valle, Cristiano
2013Methods for solving problems in financial portfolio construction, index tracking and enhanced indexationMezali, Hakim
2014New regression methods for measures of central tendencyAristodemou, Katerina
2014Structure and dynamics of evolving complex networksColman, Ewan
2014Regularized and robust regression methods for high dimensional dataHashem, Hussein Abdulahman
2014A behavioural approach to financial portfolio selection problem: an empirical study using heuristicsGrishina, Nina
2014Analysis of new sentiment and its application to financeYu, Xiang
2014Numerical implementation of a cohesive zone model for time and history dependent materialsHakim, Layal
2013Measuring the risk of financial portfolios with nonlinear instruments and non-Gaussian risk factorsBustreo, Roberto
2014Forced water entry and exit of two-dimensional bodies through a free surfaceRasadurai, Rajavaheinthan
20133D packing of balls in different containers by VNSAlkandari, Abdulaziz
1976The development of algorithms in mathematical programmingJahanshahlou, Gholamreza
2008Applications of hidden Markov models in financial modellingErlwein, Christina
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 50 of 137